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Oracle® Identity Manager Design Console Guide
Release 9.0
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C The Form Version Control Utility

This appendix describes the scope, content, and description of the Form Version Control Utility. It contains the following topics:

FVC Utility Scope

The following table provides a scope of the functionalities that are implemented with this utility:

Functionality Implemented (Yes/No) Comments
Upgrade process form version Yes Ensure that the target form version exists and is the active form version.
Upgrade child form version Yes The child form version is automatically upgraded to the child form attached with the active parent form.
Update values on parent form Yes Ensure that the target form version exists and has the fields whose values you are trying to update.
Update values on child form Yes Ensure that the target child form exists and the user is provisioned with the child form.
Insert values on child form Yes Ensure that fields that you are inserting exist on the child form version that is attached with the active parent form.

FVC Utility Content

The following table lists and describes the names and paths of the files that comprise the utility.

File Name with Path Description
<XLCLIENT_HOME>\ lib\xlFvcUtil.jar This jar file contains the Form Version Control utility classes required to run it.
<XLCLIENT_HOME>\xlFvcUtil.ear This ear file contains the Form Version Control utility classes required to run it. This ear file is packaged to run with WebSphere launchClient utility.
<XLCLIENT_HOME>\ This file contains all the configuration properties regarding the source and target form versions, the fields on them, their values as well as child form information.


These are cmd and shell scripts to run the Form Version Control Utility on windows and UNIX.

FVC Utility Description

Form Version Control utility is designed to update custom process forms version number field as well as data in the additional process form fields. The utility is launched from command console, and operates using command line parameters for login and a properties file. The properties in the parameters as well as validity of user's login and password are verified and appropriate error messages are produced to signify an error when one occurs.

Release Notes

This will create three different rows in the child table, instead of creating and inserting a single child record having the above values for the three fields.