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Oracle® Identity Manager Design Console Guide
Release 9.0
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11 Oracle Identity Manager Logging Functions

This chapter describes the Oracle Identity Manager logging functions. It contains the following topics:


Oracle Identity Manager comes pre-installed with the ability to create log files related to the various activities being performed within the application. The level of information that will be placed in these log files, the location where these log files will be created, the frequency with which these information in these files will be archived can all be customized using the relevant configuration files. In addition, Oracle Identity Manager also provides logs files that contain standard error and standard out messages.

The logs files created by Oracle Identity Manager can be used to track activities being performed in the various modules (for example, adapter factory, task scheduler) of the application and/or monitor error messages and queries performed against the database. Both of these activities can be very helpful when troubleshooting potential problems or testing anticipated application behavior. As mentioned, Oracle Identity Manager allows you to control:

By default there are six log files that will be created by Oracle Identity Manager when the application is running. Three of these log files are controlled using a dedicated .cfg file.

The location of log file and its properties will be controlled by the properties file, which is located at xlclient_home\config\

Setting the Logging Level, Location and Archiving Frequency

The table below explains how to set certain general behavior for the log files controlled using the .cfg files.

To Control Action
The level of information (i.e., greater or lesser amount of detail) that will be written to the logs Set the level of all the Logger.Module.<module_name> entries to the desired logging level. For example, set the Logger.Module.ServerManager entry to ERROR.
Whether the logs are to be periodically archived and, if so, whether they should be archived based on a user-specified time range or maximum file size To specify that the log file is never to be archived, set the Logger.LogFile.RollingType entry to NONE.

To specify that the log file is to be archived based on time and/or date range, set the Logger.LogFile.RollingType entry to FREQUENCY. Then be sure to set the Logger.LogFile.DatePattern to one of the following:

  • yyyy-MM: Rollover archiving at the beginning of each month

  • yyyy-ww: Rollover archiving at the first day of each week. ww is week in year

  • yyyy-MM-dd: Rollover archiving at midnight each day

  • yyyy-MM-dd-a: Rollover archiving at midnight and midday each day

  • yyyy-MM-dd-HH: Rollover archiving at the top of every hour

  • yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm: Rollover archiving at the beginning of every minute

The default setting of the Logger.LogFile.DatePattern parameter is yyyy-MM-dd (i.e., archive at midnight each day). Each archival log file will have a date (and if applicable time) value appended to its name. For example, using the default setting, the archives logs from January 2, 2004 and January 3, 2004 would be named <logfilename>.log.2004-01-01, <logfilename>.log.2004-01-02, etc. at 12 AM of each day respectively.

Note: Do not employ the: (colon) symbol anywhere in the data pattern.

To specify that the log file is to be archived based on size of the log file, set the Logger.LogFile.RollingType entry to SIZE.

Then be sure to set:

The Logger.LogFile.MaxFileSize entry to the file size that you wish to cause log file archiving. Once the log file reaches that size, its contents will be rolled over to an archival file and any new logs will be written to the original file. Oracle Identity Manager will continue to create additional archival files until it reaches the number of log files set in Logger.LogFile.MaxBackupIndex entry described below.

The log4j.appender.logFile.MaxBackupIndex entry to the maximum number of archival log files you wish to allow Oracle Identity Manager to create. For example, if you set this entry to 5, Oracle Identity Manager will create a maximum of 5 incremental archival log files (not including the actual, non-archival log file). After the fifth archival log is created, additional log archiving will cause the contents of the oldest archival log file to be deleted and replaced with the contents of the next oldest.

The location in which the log file will be placed To specify the location in which the log file is created, set the Logger.LogFile.FilePath entry to the desired location. For example, to specify that the ServerManager.log file to be created in C:\oracle\xellerate\logs set this entry to ./logs/ServerManager.log (since ./ specifies the location of \oracle\xellerate). Be sure to specify the log file name as well.