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Oracle® Identity Manager Installation and Upgrade Guide for WebSphere
Release 9.0
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6 Installing Oracle Identity Manager Server on Windows

This chapter explains how to install Oracle Identity Manager on Windows. You must install the Oracle Identity Manager server on systems running the application server. Oracle Identity Manager components such as the Remote Manager and Design Console can be installed on separate systems. Each component has its own installer.


DO NOT use a remote client tool such as PCAnywhere to install Oracle Identity Manager products.

Oracle Identity Manager Components

Oracle Identity Manager for Windows includes the following components:

All components use a single database schema. Oracle Identity Manager documentation is also installed with each component.

Installing the Database Schema

As part of the installation, the Oracle Identity Manager installer loads a schema into your database. You only install the database schema once. It is installed the first time you run the Oracle Identity Manager installer. Each subsequent time you run the installer to deploy other Oracle Identity Manager components you enter information about the database connection to configure the component for the same schema. Contact your database administrator (DBA) for details on the particulars of your database.During the schema installation, a corresponding log file is created under the <XL_HOME>\logs\ directory.

Installing Documentation

The Oracle Identity Manager documentation is installed automatically under the <XL_HOME> directory. No special input is required. A full documentation set is installed with each Oracle Identity Manager component.

Installing the Oracle Identity Manager Server on Windows

This section describes how to install the Oracle Identity Manager server on a computer running Microsoft Windows.To install the Oracle Identity Manager server on a Windows host:

  1. If you are using SQL Server as your database, before installing the Oracle Identity Manager server be sure to copy the following three files located in C:\Program Files\<Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC>\lib\ to the <WEBSPHERE_HOME>\AppServer\lib\ directory and add the driver location to the system CLASSPATH environment variable:

    • mssqlserver.jar

    • msbase.jar

    • msutil.jar

  2. Insert the Oracle Identity Manager Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.


    If the autostart routine is enabled for your machine, proceed to Step 3.

  3. From Windows Explorer, access the installServer directory on the installation CD and double-click the setup_server.exe file.

  4. On the Welcome Message screen, click Next.

  5. On the Oracle Identity Manager Application Options screen, select to install one of the following applications, and then click Next:

    • Oracle Identity Manager

    • Oracle Identity Manager with Audit and Compliance Module


    Do not install Oracle Identity Manager on top of an existing Oracle Identity Manager installation. For each new installation, use a different home directory. If you want to reuse the same name of an existing Oracle Identity Manager home directory, then backup your original Oracle Identity Manager home by renaming that directory.

    Remember at all times that all Oracle Identity Manager components must be installed in different home directories. For example, you cannot install the Remote Manager in the same directory as the Oracle Identity Manager server.

  6. After the Target directory screen appears, complete one of the following bulleted actions:

    • The default directory for the Oracle Identity Manager server is C:\Oracle. To install the Oracle Identity Manager server into this directory, click Next.

    • To install the Oracle Identity Manager server into another directory, enter the path in the Directory field, then click Next.


    Click Browse, navigate to the desired location, then click Next.


    If the directory path does not exist, the Base Directory settings text box appears, click OK. Oracle Identity Manager creates this directory for the Oracle Identity Manager server. If you do not have write permission to create the default directory for the Oracle Identity Manager server, a popup appears informing you that the installer could not create the directory. Click OK to dismiss the popup, then contact your System Administrator to obtain the appropriate permissions.

  7. On the Database Server Selection page, specify the type of database you are using with Oracle Identity Manager (either Oracle or SQL Server), then click Next.

  8. On the Database Information page, provide all database connectivity information that is required to install the database schema. You install this schema just once, as part of your initial Oracle Identity Manager installation. Thereafter, you configure all the other Oracle Identity Manager components to point to this common schema.


    To install against an existing database, verify that this version of Oracle Identity Manager supports your existing database version.

    When Oracle Identity Manager is installed against an existing database, the .xldatabasekey file from the earlier Oracle Identity Manager installation must be copied to the new <XL_HOME>\xellerate\config directory. You should create the \config directory in the new <XL_HOME>\xellerate\ path if it does not already exist.

    • In the host field, enter the host name or the IP address of the computer on which the database resides.

    • In the PORT field, enter the port number on which the database listens for connections. The default port is 1521 for Oracle and 1433 for SQL Server.

    • In Database SID field, enter the name of the database instance.

    • In the User Name field, enter the user name of the database account you created for Oracle Identity Manager.

    • In the Password field, enter the Oracle Identity Manager database user password.

    • Click Next to commit these settings.


      When setting the preceding items, refer to the configuration settings specified in "Setting Up the Oracle Database" or "Setting Up the SQL Server" to be sure you set consistent information.

      The installer checks for database connectivity as well as the existence of a database schema. A success or failure page appears, depending on the results of the test.

    • Select the appropriate database options:

      • If a database exists, and the connectivity is good, proceed to Step 9.

      • If no connectivity is detected, you are prompted to enter new information or to fix the connection. After you do that, click Next.

  9. On the Authentication Information page, select either the Oracle Identity Manager Default Authentication or SSO (Single Sign On) Authentication option. If you select SSO authentication, you must provide the header value in the field and click Next.

  10. On the Application Server Selection page, select WebSphere, click Next.

  11. On the Cluster Information page, specify whether the server configuration is clustered or non-clustered. Select No (non-clustered) and click Next.


    If you are deploying in a clustered environment, select Yes, enter the cluster name, and see "Deploying in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration" for more information.

  12. On the WebSphere Directory Information page, type the information appropriate for your application server and Java installation:

    1. Type the full path to your WebSphere installation. Make sure to include AppServer in this path. (For example: C:\Program Files\WebSphere \AppServer).


      Navigate to the location of your WebSphere installation.

    2. Type the path to the JDK associated with your WebSphere application server. Do not include jre in this path. For example, a valid path might be: <WEBSPHERE_HOME>\AppServer\java.


      Navigate to the location of your JDK installation.

    3. Click Next.

  13. On the Application Server information page, type the following application server information:

    WebSphere Server Information for a non-Clustered Installation

    1. Type the host name or IP address for the machine on which your application server is running. You can enter localhost for a local installation.

    2. Type the cell name, which is the name of the folder under <WEBSPHERE_HOME>\AppServer\config\cells.)

    3. Type the node name, which is the your Oracle Identity Manager node name.

    4. For the WebSphere server name, type your Oracle Identity Manager server name. If you are using a server other than server1, see "Configuring WebSphere on a Nondefault Server" for more information.

    5. Click Next.

  14. Backup your application server when the Application Server Configuration Backup screen appears, then click Next to initiate server installation.

  15. On the Summary screen, click Install to initiate the server software installation.

  16. If the installer detects an existing database, you can choose to use that database. Select Yes, then click Next. If the existing database is not encrypted, you are prompted to encrypt it. Select Yes, then click Next.

  17. On the Completed screen, click Finish to exit the installer.

    Once you have finished installing an Oracle Identity Manager component, follow the instructions in "Post-Install Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and WebSphere" to continue with the installation process.