Application Services Interface Reference > Customizing an Application Services Interface > User Scenarios for ASIs >

Extending an ASI

At the ABC company, Jane needs to extend an existing ASI by adding a new field, LifeTimeValue, to the business component, Account, and expose the new field in the ASI, Siebel Account, which uses data synchronization services.

To accomplish these tasks, Jane must:

  1. Create the new field, LifeTimeValue, in the Account business component using Siebel Tools.
  2. Add LifeTimeValue to Account's internal integration object using Siebel Tools.
  3. Add LifeTimeValue to Account's interface integration object using Siebel Tools. She must make sure that the two fields in the internal and interface integration objects have matching names.
  4. Recompile the integration objects and project into an SRF file, and test the new ASI.
  5. Use the Auto-Map function in the Siebel Data Mapper to automatically map the new field in the internal integration object to the new field in the interface integration object.

After completing these tasks, the new field is available to the business component, Account, and all ASIs based on it, including Siebel Account.

Application Services Interface Reference