Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide > Running Assignment Manager >

Additional AsgnSrvr and BatchAsgn Parameter Information

The following subtopics provide further explanation for some of the server component parameters used with Assignment Manager and why you might want to use them. The name provided in parentheses is the alias for the parameter.

Allow Duplicate Positions (AllowDupPostn) Parameter

You can assign duplicate positions by setting the Allow Duplicate Positions server component parameter when you run an assignment request. By default, the Allow Duplicate Positions server parameter is set to False. When you set this parameter to True, Assignment Manager attempts to insert duplicate positions, that is, positions with the same ID in the team table, given those positions do not violate the user key constraints of the table.

You must also set the PositionTeamDenorm user property for the assignment object. The PositionTeamDenorm assignment object user property specifies which destination columns are part of the user key. Assignment Manager checks whether positions with the same ID that pass violate the uniqueness of these key columns. If Assignment Manager detects a violation, only the first position encountered is inserted into the team table, and the other position is ignored. Otherwise, Assignment Manager inserts both positions into the team table.

For example, if there is a violation of the user key when adding positions to the account team, then only the first duplicate position encountered is inserted into the S_ACCNT_POSTN table. For an example of using the PositionTeamDenorm assignment object user property, see Example of Copying Additional Columns to the Team Table.

Check version iterations (CheckVerIter) Parameter

Changing this parameter to a small value, such as 1, reduces the potential for invalid assignment. For example, running interactive assignment before Assignment Manager detects that the Release button was recently clicked causes assignment based on the previous version of assignment rules. By having a small iteration value, Assignment Manager checks for a newer version of assignment rules more frequently. Test your deployment with this lower parameter value to make sure it does not interfere with any other database activity.

List of excluded person ids (ExcludePersonList) and List of excluded organization ids (ExcludeOrgList) Parameters

You can choose to exclude a specific candidate or candidates, even though you added the candidate or candidates to an assignment rule. You do so at run time by specifying the ExcludePersonList or the ExcludeOrgList server component parameter as comma-separated lists of candidate Ids from the Server Manager command line. Assignment Manager does not evaluate these candidates, and because of this, the candidates do not appear in log files even when Match or Assign logging is active.

For example, if an employee has not worked on a service request for several days, and if a request is submitted to assign the same service request, Assignment Manager assigns the service request to the same person again. That is because, given a set of assignment rules and criteria, Assignment Manager assigns the candidate with the highest score to the object row. By specifying the ExcludePersonList parameter for a particular run, you can exclude this particular candidate from assignment consideration.

In addition, you can choose to exclude certain employees for assignment rule evaluation. For example, you might want to exclude inactive employees or employees who are on a leave of absence from assignment consideration. You exclude employees using the Active Employee Where Clause server parameter (or use ActiveEmpLOVCode from the Server Manager command line) with an SQL WHERE clause that is based on any column (or columns) on the S_EMP_PER employee table. For example, you could use the EMP_STAT_CD column with the following value to indicate that you want only active employees considered for evaluation and assignment:

AND emp.EMP_STAT_CD='Active'

The employees are excluded even if they are explicitly added to an assignment rule as candidates.

Similarly, you can exclude inactive positions using the Active Position Where Clause component-level server parameter (or use ActivePosWhereClause from the Server Manager command line).

NOTE:  If you make changes to either of these parameters, you must release rules for the them to take effect.

CAUTION:  When specifying the parameters, you must use the emp SQL alias for the S_EMP_PER employee table and the pos alias for the S_POSTN position table. This is to differentiate from other columns by the same name in other tables that Assignment Manager might use in the same SQL. Otherwise, a SQL error (ambiguous reference to a column) may occur.

Maximum MT Servers (MaxMTServers) Parameter

This parameter controls the maximum number of Assignment Manager server processes that are running at any time (when MaxMTServers > MinMTServers). Generally, the default value is sufficient for most deployments as server processes and Assignment Manager have large resource requirements.

Maximum Tasks (MaxTasks) Parameter

This parameter controls the maximum number of server threads that can run at any time. For Assignment Manager, this controls the maximum number of assignments that can be processed concurrently. The value of this parameter should be set to the maximum anticipated concurrent requests (dependent on your server's capabilities).

Minimum MT Servers (MinMTServers) Parameter

This parameter controls the number of Assignment Manager server processes that are started when the Siebel servers starts up. If this value is set to zero, Assignment Manager is disabled. It is recommended that you use the default value of one, as server processes and Assignment Manager have large resource requirements.

Refresh people skills interval Parameter (MaxSkillsAge) Parameter

This parameter controls the interval in which people skills are refreshed in seconds. If you want to automatically refresh skills without restarting the Assignment Manager component, set the value of the MaxSkillsAge parameter to the desired update interval (the value must be greater than zero seconds). Then, when rules are released, Assignment Manager refreshes skills and recreates the rulecache.dat file at the periodic interval set.

Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide