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Viewing Service Points and Services in Siebel Communications (End User)

End users can view the services associated with each service point and usage details for each service, but they cannot add a service point from this view. For instructions for adding a service point, see To add a service point and associate it with a premise.

Services are associated with service points when a CSR submits a New or Modify order for a service. When a CSR submits a Disconnect order, the service is made inactive. For more information, see the chapter about the employee use of order management in Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications.

To view service point and service information

  1. Navigate to the Assets screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select All Assets.
  3. In the Assets list, click the name of the asset.
  4. Click the Service Point Services view tab.
  5. To see various types of usage information for a service:
    1. In the Service Point Services list, select the service.
    2. In the Usage History view, from the drop-down list, select an option.

Siebel Communications Guide