Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide > Configuring Communications Templates > Fields for Template Items >

Template Items List

The following options are specified in the Template Items list:

  • Sequence (required). A sequence number is provided for the template item, using the lowest available number (starting with 1). The sequence number is used in assembling the template items for the communication.

    The default sequence value for a new template item is the lowest number not used by an existing template item for the same template. For template items specified for the message body, messages to be delivered to recipients are constructed as follows:

    • All plain-text template items are concatenated, in sequence, to form the plain-text message body for the email message. (Applies to email, fax, and page templates.)
    • All HTML template items are concatenated, in sequence, to form the HTML message body for the email message. If HTML template text is defined, then this text is appended by the HTML template items for the message body. (Applies to email templates only.)

      Only template items that have the Message Body flag checked form the plain-text message body or (for email only) HTML message body.

      For an email message, the recipient's email client will display the HTML version of the message body if it can do so; otherwise, the email client will display the plain-text version of the message body. Sending separate plain-text and HTML versions of the same email message body is called MIME multipart/alternative support. (MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension.)

      NOTE:  For a fax template, specify HTML template items as attachments only. Do not specify HTML template items for the message body. (The text in the Text field may be either HTML or plain text.)

      You can change the sequence number for a template item, but you cannot specify a sequence number that is in use by another template item. Instead, you must shift the numbers to make space for the one you want to modify. For example, if you have sequences 1 and 2, to swap them you could change 1 to 3, change 2 to 1, then change 3 to 2.

  • Attachment Label. Specify a label for a template item that is to be an attachment to an email or fax message. In this context, what is meant by an attachment is any template item for which Message Body is not checked.

    For a template item that you are adding as an attachment to an email or fax message, the Attachment Label field provides an optional string to name the attachment. If an attachment label is not specified, the file name and extension are used as the attachment label.

    For an HTML template item that you are adding as an attachment to an email or fax message:

    • The Attachment Label field specifies a string that is used for embedding the template item into the HTML. The string must exactly match a reference in the HTML markup, in order for the HTML content to provide recipients access to the template item content, such as an embedded picture.

      The email client for an email recipient, or the email server for your fax gateway, matches these strings in order to correctly locate and display or process each picture, or other embedded attachment.

      For example, for an attachment label "my_picture.jpg" (without the enclosing quotes), the matching HTML reference for this embedded picture file is as follows:

    <IMG SRC="my_picture.jpg">

    • If an attachment label is not specified, the attachment is a true attachment to the HTML email or fax message, and is not embedded in the HTML message.

      NOTE:  If an attachment label is specified that does not exactly match a reference in the HTML markup, then email clients, or the email server for your fax gateway, may not be able to access the template item. The template item is an embedded attachment for which the HTML markup provides no access.

      For more information, see the description for the Attachment Name field, later in this section.

      Embedding pictures or other referenced files in HTML makes an email message larger and makes it take longer to send, or makes a fax take longer to be processed by your fax gateway. For an email message, you can also make a file available on the Internet and include its URL in the HTML. If you do this, do not also add the files as template items. Recipients can view the images only if they are connected to the Internet when they read the email message.

  • Literature Name. Specify a literature item from the Siebel File System that you want to use for the template item.

    For instructions for adding a literature item for a template item, see Specifying Template Items for an Advanced Template.

    For a literature item you specify, values can be substituted using the business component fields listed in the Available Fields list, if Substitute Values is checked.

    A template item containing a literature item can be specified for the message body for the template, or specified to be an attachment.

    You can drill down on the literature item to navigate to another view where you can open the item.

    For information about adding literature items to the Siebel File System, see Applications Administration Guide.

  • Attachment Name. Specify the name of an operating system file you want to use for the template item. The file can be a text file, an HTML file, a graphics file, or another type of file.

    For instructions for adding a file for a template item, see Specifying Template Items for an Advanced Template.

    Once you have specified a file, its name (without the file extension) is displayed in the Attachment Name field. (The file extension is displayed in the File Type field.)

    Any graphics (picture) file for an HTML message must be added as a file and specified as an attachment to the message—that is, it cannot be specified for the message body. An attachment label must be specified for the file, as described in this section for the Attachment Label field.

    For a file you specify, values can be substituted using the business component fields listed in the Available Fields list, if Substitute Values is checked.

    A template item containing a file can be specified for the message body for the template, or specified to be an attachment.

    NOTE:  When you specify a file for a template item, the file is automatically added to the Siebel File System. The operating system file is never referenced after this. When you send the file, you send the version in the Siebel File System.

  • File Type. (read only) Displays the extension of a file you added. The file name, without the extension, is displayed in the Attachment Name field.
  • File Size. (read only) Displays the size, in kilobytes, of a file you added.
Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide