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Configuring Tree Applets and Explorer Views

A tree applet appears in the left sectors of an explorer view. The applet has a tree object definition as a child. The tree object definition has tree node children. Each tree node child object definition implements one folder symbol. These object types are described in greater detail below.


An explorer view has a tree applet mapped to it as a View Web Template Item. However, there are no list applets mapped to it. The list applet is determined dynamically by the folder (Tree Node) that is currently highlighted by the user. A significant property of the View object the Business Object property. The business object selected determines which business components can be displayed, and which business components can be indicated as child nodes of which other nodes.

Tree Applet

A tree applet has no special property settings in the applet object definition, other than the class, which is set to CSSFrameTree. The Applet object type has the following important property settings:

  • Class. Set to CSSFrameTree. This is required in order for the tree applet functionality to work.
  • Business Component. Points to the same business component as the top-level tree node.

NOTE:  Search specifications on tree applets are not supported.


The Tree object definition provides only a name; it is an object definition to which tree nodes can be attached, and which itself can be attached to the applet object definition. It always has the name "Tree." The Tree object type is similar to the List object type used in list applets, in that it serves as an attachment point for child object definitions.

Tree Node

Each folder symbol is implemented using one tree node object definition. This includes the top-level node (Service Requests in the example). All of the tree node object definitions are immediate child object definitions of the tree object definition. There is no hierarchy of child and grandchild tree node object definitions (reflecting the hierarchy in the tree applet) under the tree; this is not feasible in the object definitions hierarchy in the repository. Instead, each tree node's hierarchical position in the tree applet is specified in the Position property of the tree node object definition.

The Tree Node object definition has the following important properties:

  • Display Name. This property specifies the name of the tree node (folder) as it will appear in the tree applet in Siebel applications. The display name appears to the immediate right of the folder symbol.
  • Applet. This property specifies the applet that is opened in the right half of the view when the user opens the corresponding folder. Generally a list applet is specified. The applet must be based on a business component that is in the appropriate hierarchical position in the business object.
  • Position. The tree node's hierarchical position relative to other tree nodes, and its sequence on its level, are specified with this property. The Position value consists of an integer, or a set of integers separated by periods, such as 1.1.2. The top-level node (Service Requests in the example) is specified as having a position of 1. All immediate child nodes of the top-level node have values of the form 1.x, where x specifies the node's order relative to other nodes on the same level. For example, in order for the Activities folder to appear after the Attachments folder rather than before it, their Position values (1.1 and 1.2, respectively) should be swapped.

    To attach a child node at the third level, you specify a Position value for the new node with its first two integers matching the position of the node to attach it to. For example, to attach a node to the RMAs/Service Orders node (currently 1.4), you would give the new node a position of 1.4.1. In general, the rightmost digit in a position specifies its order relative to others on the same level, and all other digits specify the position it attaches to.

  • Business Component. This needs to be set to the same business component as is specified in the right-side applet.
  • Label Field. This property points to the name of the field that is used to populate the names in the record list that appears when the node is expanded by the user. For example, the Order Number field would provide the values for the RMAs/Service Orders node, and the Description field for the Activities node.
  • Selected Bitmap Index. This should be set to the value 5, which corresponds to the folder symbol.
Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications