Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications > Configuring Tables and Columns >

About User Keys

A user key specifies columns that must contain unique sets of values. It is used to determine the uniqueness of records during data import operations in EIM. The purpose of user keys is to prevent users from entering duplicate records.

A user key is designated by the name of its parent table with an _Un suffix, such as S_PROD_INT_U1. Each user key has User Key Column child objects that specify the table columns that must have unique values, for example BU_ID, NAME, and VENDR_OU_ID in the S_PROD_INT_U1 user key.

A predefined index exists for each Siebel-defined user key. This index also takes the form S_TABLE_NAME_Un.

NOTE:  Do not modify user keys in standard Siebel tables or EIM base tables. This is a restricted activity and should not be attempted without assistance.

For more information, see About Interface Tables.

Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications