Siebel Connector for SAP R/3 > SAP Code Page Mappings >

Mapping ISO Characters Not Available in Microsoft

A case where characters exist in the ISO code page, but not the Microsoft code page, is extremely rare. The only instance of this in currently mapped codepages (Table 10), is the mapping between Microsoft 1255 and ISO 8859-8 (Hebrew). In this case, ISO 8859-8 contains the codepoint DF (Double low line). The character corresponds to Unicode 2017. This character does not exist in the Microsoft 1255 code page.

When this character is stored in the SAP database and is passed through the SAP connector from SAP to the Siebel application, an error is generated because the DF codepoint value is not defined in the Microsoft 1255 code page.

When this character (Unicode 2017) exists in the Siebel database and is passed to SAP through the SAP connector, an error is also generated. This is because no value exists in the Microsoft 1255 code page for the Unicode character.

Siebel Connector for SAP R/3