Entity Value Comments
Integration Objects: SAP 46C Order Used for Query function in siebel Adapter        
SAP 46C Order - Simulate SAP Order (BAPI Input)  
SAP 46C Order - Simulate SAP Order (BAPI Output)              
Transaction Description: Validates Siebel Order from SAP Mainly looks for Pricing, ATP, Delivery, Billing and Credit Blocks if any        
Workflow: Order - Simulate SAP 46C Order              
Business Service (Name): Order - SAP 46C Maps              
Business Service (Display Name): Order - SAP 46C Maps              
Map Function(s): SimulateSAP46COrder_SiebelToBAPI  
SimulateSAP46COrder_BAPIToSiebel This map in turn calls CreateSimulateSAP4xOrder_SiebelToBAPI which is common for both Create and Simulate functions
SAP Interface: BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE              
Siebel View: Orders | Sales Orders | Line Items(SAP)              
SAP Screen: Logistics | Sales/distribution | Sales | Order | Display (VA01/02/03)              
HEADER (Siebel to SAP)
Siebel Client  Siebel Object Manager Siebel Schema SAP BAPI   SAP User Interface  
Applet Field Business Component Field Table Column Parameter  Field Transformation/ Lookup Screen Field Comments
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ORDER_HEADER_IN DOC_NUMBER   Overview | Sales Standard Order Sales Document
Order Entry - Order Form Applet (Sales)  *Order Type Order Entry - Orders Order Type S_ORDER.ORDER_TYPE_ID --> S_ORDER_TYPE NAME ORDER_HEADER_IN DOC_TYPE This is defined in the Integration Administration | EAI Value Maps view under  "SAP DOC Types". Header | Sales Order type As an example, the default mapping specifies Siebel Sales Orders are created as standard orders ("TA" order types) in SAP. Siebel LOVs may be extended as necessary. Only Siebel Sales Orders to SAP Standard orders are supported in the standard product. 
    Order Entry - Orders Currency Code     ORDER_HEADER_IN CURRENCY This is defined in the Integration Administration | EAI Value Maps view under  "SAP Currency Code". Overview | Sales Net Value/Currency Document Currency for SAP
Part of Organization SAP Sales Area View Part of "Sales Area" Order Entry - Orders SAP Sales Organization (MO) S_ORDER.ACCNT_ID -> S_ORG_EXT.BU_ID --> S_ORG_EXT SALES_ORG_CD ORDER_HEADER_IN SALES_ORG   Overview | Sales Sales org. SAP sales areas (combinations of Sales Organizations, Distribution Channels and Divisions are declared in the Integration Administration | SAP Administration I Organization SAP Sales Area view.                                                        
Part of Organization SAP Sales Area View Part of "Sales Area" Order Entry - Orders SAP Distribution Channel (MO) S_ORDER.ACCNT_ID -> S_ORG_EXT.BU_ID --> S_ORG_EXT DIST_CHANNEL_CD ORDER_HEADER_IN DISTR_CHAN   Overview | Sales Distr. Chl SAP sales areas (combinations of Sales Organizations, Distribution Channels and Divisions are declared in the Integration Administration | SAP Administration I Organization SAP Sales Area view.                                                        
Part of Organization SAP Sales Area View Part of "Sales Area" Order Entry - Orders SAP Division (MO) S_ORDER.ACCNT_ID -> S_ORG_EXT DIVN_CD ORDER_HEADER_IN DIVISION   Overview | Sales Division SAP sales areas (combinations of Sales Organizations, Distribution Channels and Divisions are declared in the Integration Administration | SAP Administration I Organization SAP Sales Area view.                                                        
Order Entry - Order Form Applet (Sales) Requested Date Order Entry - Orders Requested Ship Date S_ORDER REQ_SHIP_DT ORDER_HEADER_IN REQ_DATE_H   Overview | Sales Req.deliv date If the Requested Ship Date is null, then the Order Date goes into the SAP field.
Order Entry - SAP 4x order Form Applet Company Order # Order Entry - Orders Account Order Number S_ORDER ACCNT_ORDER_NUM ORDER_HEADER_IN PURCH_NO   Overview | Sales Purch.order no If the Account Number is equal to NULL, then this field is set to Order Number on the Siebel side.
Order Entry - SAP 4x order Form Applet Pricing Date: Order Entry - Orders Pricing Date S_ORDER PRICING_DT ORDER_HEADER_IN PRICE_DATE   Overview | Sales Pricing Date  
Order Entry - Order List Applet (Sales) Order Date: Order Entry - Orders Order Date S_ORDER ORDER_DT ORDER_HEADER_IN PURCH_DATE   Overview | Sales Purchase Order Date  
Order Entry - Order List Applet (Sales) *Order # Order Entry - Orders Order Number S_ORDER ORDER_NUM ORDER_HEADER_IN REF_1   Header | Purchase Order Data Your reference  
Order Entry - Order Form Applet (Sales) Contact Last Name Order Entry - Orders Contact First Name||Contact Last Name S_ORDER.CON_ID -> S_CONTACT FST_NAME || LAST_NAME ORDER_HEADER_IN NAME   Header | Purchase Order Data Name This value is mapped only if the Contact Id is not NULL.
Shows in Contacts view Work Phone Order Entry - Orders Contact Work Phone # S_ORDER.CON_ID -> S_CONTACT WORK_PH_NUM ORDER_HEADER_IN TELEPHONE   Header | Purchase Order Data Telephone  
    Order Entry - Orders Freight Terms S_ORDER FRGHT_TERM_CD ORDER_HEADER_IN INCOTERMS1 This is defined in the Integration Administration | EAI Value Maps view under  "SAP Incoterms". Header | Billing Data Incoterms As an example, the default mapping specifies that freight term = "Free of Charge" in Siebel maps to freight term = "FCA"in SAP. Siebel LOVs may be extended as necessary.
    Order Entry - Orders Freight Terms Info S_ORDER FRGHT_TERMS_INFO ORDER_HEADER_IN INCOTERMS2   Header | Billing Data Incoterms  
    Order Entry - Orders Payment Term S_ORDER.PAYMENT_TERM_ID -> S_PAYMENT_TERM NAME ORDER_HEADER_IN PMNTTRMS This is defined in the Integration Administration | EAI Value Maps view under  "SAP Payment Terms". Header | Billing Data Payment terms These are typically one to one mappings. Siebel LOVs may be extended to match SAP Payment terms for a specific SAP implementation. 
Order Entry - SAP 4x order Form Applet Partial Ship: Order Entry - Orders Partial Ship S_ORDER ALW_PART_SHIP_FLG ORDER_HEADER_IN COMPL_DLV   Header | Shipping Complete Delivery If Partial Ship in Siebel is <> 'Y', then put 'X' in the SAP field. Otherwise leave it NULL.
N/A N/A N/A 'HB00' N/A N/A ORDER_HEADER_IN CD_TYPE1 Header freight is updated only if Siebel is pricing Master. Header | Conditions HB00 SAP Condition Type for Header Value of Freight
    Order Entry - Orders Freight S_ORDER FRGHT_AMT ORDER_HEADER_IN CD_VALUE1 Header freight is updated only if Siebel is pricing Master. Header | Conditions Condition Value Header Freight Value in Siebel Order
N/A N/A N/A '1' N/A N/A ORDER_HEADER_IN CD_P_UNT1   Header | Conditions by  
PARTNERS (Siebel to SAP)
Siebel Client  Siebel Object Manager Siebel Schema SAP BAPI   SAP User Interface  
Applet Field Business Component Field Table Column Parameter  Field Transformation/ Lookup Screen Field Comments
N/A N/A N/A 'AG' N/A 'AG' ORDER_PARTNERS PARTN_ROLE   Header | Partner Partner Function  
Order Entry - SAP 4x order Form Applet Account Order Entry - Orders Account Integration Id S_ORDER.ACCNT_ID -> S_ORG_EXT INTEGRATION_ID ORDER_PARTNERS PARTN_NUMB   Header | Partner Name The SAP customer number of the corresponding Siebel Account is passed to SAP to indicate the Sold-To partner. Siebel maybe configured to present the user with a picklist consisting only of accounts with SAP customer numbers during order creation.
N/A N/A N/A 'WE' N/A N/A ORDER_PARTNERS PARTN_ROLE   Header | Partner Partner Function  
Order Entry - SAP 4x order Form Applet Part of 'Ship To Account Location:' field Order Entry - Orders Ship To Account Integration Id S_ORDER.SHIP_OU_ID -> S_ORG_EXT INTEGRATION_ID ORDER_PARTNERS PARTN_NUMB   Header | Partner Name The SAP customer number of the corresponding Siebel Account is passed to SAP to indicate the Ship-To partner.   Siebel may be modified so that values are not passed for this parameter. SAP defaults will be used in that case.
N/A N/A N/A 'RE' N/A N/A ORDER_PARTNERS PARTN_ROLE   Header | Partner Partner Function  
Order Entry - SAP 4x order Form Applet Part of 'Bill To Account Location:' field Order Entry - Orders Bill To Account Integration Id S_ORDER.BL_OU_ID -> S_ORG_EXT INTEGRATION_ID ORDER_PARTNERS PARTN_NUMB   Header | Partner Name The SAP customer number of the corresponding Siebel Account is passed to SAP to indicate the Bill-To partner. Siebel may be modified so that values are not passed for this parameter. SAP defaults will be used in that case. .
N/A N/A N/A 'RG' N/A N/A ORDER_PARTNERS PARTN_ROLE   Header | Partner Partner Function  
Integration Administration --> SAP Administration -->  SAP Account Sales Area View Payer Order Entry - Orders Primary Payer Account Integration Id S_ORDER.BL_OU_ID -> S_ORG_EXT INTEGRATION_ID ORDER_PARTNERS PARTN_NUMB if (Primary Payer Account Integration Id = null) then PARTN_NUMB = Account Integration Id) Header | Partner Name The SAP customer number of the corresponding Siebel Account is passed to SAP to indicate the Bill-To partner. Siebel may be modified so that values are not passed for this parameter. SAP defaults will be used in that case. But if Credit Card Interface is used then Payer Information becomes mandatory and Sold to Party becomes default Payer if no Payer is specified.
Siebel Client  Siebel Object Manager Siebel Schema SAP BAPI   SAP User Interface  
Applet Field Business Component Field Table Column Parameter  Field Transformation/ Lookup Screen Field Comments
Order Payment Applet Credit Card # Order Entry - Orders Credit Card Number S_ORDER CC_NUMBER ORDER_CCARD CC_NUMBER   Header | Payment Cards Card Number  
Order Payment Applet Expiration Month + Expiration Year Order Entry - Orders Function(GetDaysInAMonth) +  Credit Card Expiration Month + Credit Card Expiration Year S_ORDER CRDT_CRD_EXP_MO_CD + CRDT_CRD_EXP_YR_CD ORDER_CCARD CC_VALID_T   Header | Payment Cards Valid To  
Order Payment Applet Payment Type Order Entry - Orders Credit Card Name S_ORDER CRDT_CRD_NAME ORDER_CCARD CC_TYPE This is defined in the Integration Administration | EAI Value Maps view under  "SAP Credit Card Type" Header | Payment Cards Type  
Order Payment Applet Credit Card Holder Order Entry - Orders Credit Card Holder S_ORDER CRDHOLDER_NAME ORDER_CCARD CC_NAME   Header | Payment Cards CardHolder  
    Order Entry - Orders Currency Code S_ORDER CURCY_CD ORDER_CCARD CURRENCY This is defined in the Integration Administration | EAI Value Maps view under  "SAP Currency Code". Header | Payment Cards Total  
LINES (Siebel to SAP)
Siebel Client  Siebel Object Manager Siebel Schema SAP BAPI   SAP User Interface  
Applet Field Business Component Field Table Column Parameter  Field Transformation/ Lookup Screen Field Comments
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Line # Order Entry - Line Items Line Number S_ORDER_ITEM LN_NUM ORDER_ITEMS_IN ITM_NUMBER   Overview | Sales Item  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Product Order Entry - Line Items Product Integration Id S_ORDER_ITEM.PROD_ID -> S_PROD_INT INTEGRATION_ID ORDER_ITEMS_IN MATERIAL   Overview | Sales Material The SAP material number of the corresponding Siebel Product is passed to SAP.
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Qty Requested Order Entry - Line Items Quantity Requested S_ORDER_ITEM QTY_REQ ORDER_ITEMS_IN REQ_QTY   Overview | Sales Order quantity  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Partial Ship (Check Box) Order Entry - Line Items Partial Ship S_ORDER_ITEM ALW_PART_SHIP_FLG ORDER_ITEMS_IN PART_DLV   Item | Shipping Part.dlv./Item If Siebel Partial Ship <> 'Y' then PART_DLV = 'C' otherwise PART_DLV = 'D'
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Unit of Measure Order Entry - Line Items Product Unit of Measure S_ORDER_ITEM.PROD_ID --> S_PROD_INT UOM_CD ORDER_ITEMS_IN SALES_UNIT This is defined in the Integration Administration | EAI Value Maps view under  "SAP Unit of Measure". Overview | Sales UoM EAI Value Maps may be extended to match SAP UoMs for a specific SAP implementation. 
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Delivering Plant Order Entry - Line Items Source Inventory Location S_ORDER_ITEM.SRC_INVLOC_ID --> S_INVLOC NAME ORDER_ITEMS_IN PLANT   Item | Item Details Plant Maintained in Integration Administration --> SAP Administration --> Organization Plant View
    Order Entry - Line Items Description S_ORDER_ITEM DESC_TEXT ORDER_ITEMS_IN SHORT_TEXT   Overview | Sales Description  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Req Del Date Order Entry - Line Items Due Date S_ORDER_ITEM REQ_SHIP_DT ORDER_ITEMS_IN REQ_DATE   Item | Item Overview Req. Deliv. date  
N/A N/A N/A "PN00" / ''PB00' N/A N/A ORDER_ITEMS_IN COND_TYPE   Item | Conditions CnTy If Siebel is Pricing Master then PN00 with Siebel Calculated price is sent to SAP otherwise PB00 without any value, in this Case SAP calculates Price.
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Net Price Order Entry - Line Items Item Price N/A N/A ORDER_ITEMS_IN CD_VALUE2   Item | Conditions Cond. Value In case Siebel is Priceing Master Net Price Value is sent to SAP otherwise SAP Calculates its own price.
N/A N/A N/A '1' N/A N/A ORDER_ITEMS_IN COND_P_UNT   Item | Conditions by  
HEADER (Updates from SAP to Siebel)
Siebel Client  Siebel Object Manager Siebel Schema SAP BAPI   SAP User Interface  
Applet Field Business Component Field Table Column Parameter  Field Transformation/ Lookup Screen Field Comments
Order Entry - SAP 4x order Form Applet Billing Block Order Entry - Orders Billing Block S_ORDER BLOCK_BL_CD Export Parameters BILLING_PARTY-BILL_BLOCK   Overview | Sales Billing Block  
Order Entry - SAP 4x order Form Applet Delivery Block Order Entry - Orders Delivery Block S_ORDER BLOCK_DLVRY_CD Export Parameters SHIP_TO_PARTY-DLV_BLOCK   Overview | Sales Delivery Block  
Order Entry - SAP 4x order Form Applet Credit Status Order Entry - Orders Credit Status S_ORDER CRDT_CHK_PASSD_FLG Export Parameters RETURN-ID = "V1" && RETURN-NUMBER = 154   Header Status | Status Credit Status Determined in Run time by SAP
Order Entry - SAP 4x order Form Applet Submit Date Order Entry - Orders EAI Sync Date S_ORDER EAI_SYNC_DT N/A TimeStamp   N/A N/A  
Order Entry - SAP 4x order Form Applet Status As Of Order Entry - Orders As Of Date S_ORDER STATUS_DT N/A TimeStamp   N/A N/A  
Siebel Client  Siebel Object Manager Siebel Schema SAP BAPI   SAP User Interface  
Applet Field Business Component Field Table Column Parameter  Field Transformation/ Lookup Screen Field Comments
Order Payment Applet Credit Card # Order Entry - Orders Credit Card Number S_ORDER CC_NUMBER ORDER_CCARD_EX CC_NUMBER   Overview | Sales Payment Card  
Order Payment Applet Expiration Month + Expiration Year Order Entry - Orders Credit Card Expiration Date S_ORDER CRDT_CRD_EXP_MO_CD + CRDT_CRD_EXP_YR_CD ORDER_CCARD_EX CC_VALID_T   Header | Payment Cards Valid To  
Order Payment Applet Transaction Amount Order Entry - Orders Credit Card Transaction Amount S_ORDER CRDT_CRD_TXN_AMT ORDER_CCARD_EX AUTHAMOUNT   Header | Payment Cards Authorized amt  
    Order Entry - Orders Currency Code S_ORDER CURCY_CD ORDER_CCARD_EX CURRENCY This is defined in the Integration Administration | EAI Value Maps view under  "SAP Currency Code". Header | Payment Cards Total  
Order Payment Applet Authorization Date Order Entry - Orders Credit Card Transaction Time S_ORDER CRDT_CRD_TXN_DT ORDER_CCARD_EX AUTH_DATE   Header | Payment Cards Next Date  
    Order Entry - Orders Credit Card Transaction ID S_ORDER PAY_AUTH_NUM ORDER_CCARD_EX CC_AUTTH_NO   Header | Payment Cards Auth No.  
Order Payment Applet Authorization Code Order Entry - Orders Credit Card Approval Code S_ORDER CRDT_CRD_APPR_CD ORDER_CCARD_EX AUTH_REFNO   Header | Payment Cards Auth.Refer.Code  
Order Payment Applet Payment Status Order Entry - Orders Credit Card Transaction Status S_ORDER CRDTCD_TXN_STAT_CD ORDER_CCARD_EX CC_STAT_EX This is defined in the Integration Administration | EAI Value Maps view under  "SAP Credit Card Approval Code". Header | Payment Cards Response  
LINE ITEM (Updates from SAP to Siebel)
Siebel Client  Siebel Object Manager Siebel Schema SAP BAPI   SAP User Interface  
Applet Field Business Component Field Table Column Parameter  Field Transformation/ Lookup Screen Field Comments
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Discount Price Order Entry - Line Items Adjusted List Price S_ORDER_ITEM ADJ_UNIT_PRI ORDER_ITEMS_OUT (NET_VALUE) / (REQ_QTY)   Item | Conditions CnTy  
N/A N/A Order Entry - Line Items SAP 4x Net Price S_ORDER_ITEM NET_PRI ORDER_ITEMS_OUT NET_VALUE   Item | Conditions CnTy  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Freight (SAP) Order Entry - Line Items Freight Amount S_ORDER_ITEM FRGHT_AMT ORDER_ITEMS_OUT SUBTOTAL_4   Item | Conditions CnTy  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Tax Order Entry - Line Items Tax Amount S_ORDER_ITEM TAX_AMT ORDER_ITEMS_OUT SUBTOTAL_5   Item | Conditions CnTy  
N/A N/A Order Entry - Line Items Integration Id S_ORDER_ITEM INTEGRATION_ID ORDER_ITEMS_OUT SALESDOCUMENT - ITM_NUMBER   Overview | Sales Item  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Req Del Date Order Entry - Line Items Due Date S_ORDER_ITEM REQ_SHIP_DT ORDER_ITEMS_OUT DLV_DATE   Item | Schedule Lines Deliv. Date  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Line # Order Entry - Line Items Line Number S_ORDER_ITEM LN_NUM ORDER_ITEMS_OUT ITM_NUMBER   Overview | Sales Item  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Qty Requested Order Entry - Line Items Quantity Requested S_ORDER_ITEM QTY_REQ ORDER_ITEMS_OUT REQ_QTY   Overview | Sales Order Qty  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Part of 'Product' Pick List Order Entry - Line Items Product Integration Id S_ORDER_ITEM.PROD_ID --> S_PROD_INT INTEGRATION_ID ORDER_ITEMS_OUT MATERIAL   Overview | Sales Material  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Line Item List Applet (Sales) Delivering Plant Order Entry - Line Items Source Inventory Location S_ORDER_ITEM.SRC_INVLOC_ID --> S_INVLOC NAME ORDER_ITEMS_OUT PLANT   Item | Shipping Plant  
SCHEDULE LINE ITEM (Updates from SAP to Siebel)
Siebel Client  Siebel Object Manager Siebel Schema SAP BAPI   SAP User Interface  
Applet Field Business Component Field Table Column Parameter  Field Transformation/ Lookup Screen Field Comments
N/A N/A Order Entry - Line Item Actions Line Item Action Type S_ORDPART_MVMT.PART_MVMT_TYPE_ID --> S_PARTMVMT_TYPE NAME   'Schedule' ("LookupValue", "SAP_SO_PART_MOVEMENT_TYPE", "Schedule") N/A N/A Part of Search Specification for this Applet
Order Entry - SAP 4x Schedule Line List Applet Schedule Line # Order Entry - Line Item Actions Line Item Action Number S_ORDPART_MVMT PART_MVMT_NUM ORDER_SCHEDULE_EX SALESDOCUMENT-ITM_NUMBER-SCHED_LINE   Item | Schedule Lines I Schedule Line Data Schedule Line Number  
N/A N/A Order Entry - Line Item Actions Integration Id S_ORDPART_MVMT INTEGRATION_ID ORDER_SCHEDULE_EX SALESDOCUMENT-ITM_NUMBER-SCHED_LINE   Item | Schedule Lines I Schedule Line Data Schedule Line Number  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Schedule Line List Applet Confirmed Qty Order Entry - Line Item Actions Confirmed Qty S_ORDPART_MVMT CONFIRMED_QTY ORDER_SCHEDULE_EX CONFIR_QTY   Item | Schedule Lines I Schedule Line Data Confirmed Quantity  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Schedule Line List Applet Confirmed Date Order Entry - Line Item Actions Actual Start Date S_ORDPART_MVMT ACTL_START_DT ORDER_SCHEDULE_EX REQ_DATE   Item | Schedule Lines I Schedule Line Data Confirmed Date  
Order Entry - SAP 4x Schedule Line List Applet Required Delivery Date Order Entry - Line Item Actions Planned Start Date S_ORDPART_MVMT PLAN_START_DT ORDER_ITEMS_OUT DLV_DATE   Item | Schedule Lines I Schedule Line Data Required Delivery Date