Siebel Correspondence, Proposals, and Presentations Guide > Proposals >

Defining Proposal Field Mappings

When you created the component documents of your proposal, you probably included bookmarks for personalized fields. You must map the bookmarks in the template's components to Siebel fields.

This mapping tells Siebel Proposals which Siebel field to use for substituting data for a particular bookmark in your proposal template. For example, by mapping the bookmark Company to the Account field, you tell Siebel Proposals to replace each Company bookmark with the value of the Account field.

You cannot map fields to a bookmark in the template's header or footer unless that bookmark is also somewhere else in the content of the template, other than in the footer or header.

Because you may be working with multiple proposal templates, you can have multiple sets of bookmarks. Therefore, you might have one mapping for one proposal template and another mapping for another proposal. Or you might use a single mapping for several proposal templates. In either case, you must specify a mapping name in your template record to associate the template with a specific mapping.

If you map a bookmark to a multi-value field, the primary record of the group is retrieved. If you want to retrieve multiple values from a multi-value field, you can add a Table section to the proposal template. This section type will retrieve multiple values from the multi-value field in table format.

To map the bookmarks in a template's components to fields, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Create a mapping.
  • Associate a template with the mapping.

These tasks are a step in Process of Creating Proposal Templates.

NOTE:  You may want to base your mappings on the sample mappings that come with Siebel Proposals, which are described in Sample Field Mappings.

Siebel Correspondence, Proposals, and Presentations Guide