Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Enabling and Disabling Data Matching and Data Cleansing >

Enabling Siebel Data Quality at the Object Manager Level

In real-time mode, SDQ is invoked when a new or modified record is saved. Real-time data matching and cleansing is supported only for employee-facing applications. By specifying data matching and cleansing parameters at the object manager level in the Siebel application, you can enable data matching or cleansing for one application and disable it for another application. However, you cannot enable data matching for both the Matching Server and the Universal Connector for the same application.

To enable data matching and data cleansing for real-time processing at the object manager level, you must enable certain parameters for the object manager that the application uses. You enable real-time processing for data matching and cleansing using either the graphical user interface (GUI) of the Siebel application or the command-line interface of the Siebel Server Manager.

NOTE:  The command-line interface of the Siebel Server Manager is the srvrmgr program. For more information about using the command-line interface, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Use the following procedures to enable data matching and cleansing for real-time processing. These procedures require that SDQ is already enabled at the enterprise level. For information about enabling SDQ at the enterprise level, see Enabling Siebel Data Quality at the Enterprise Level.

To enable SDQ at the Object Manager level using the GUI

  1. Log in to the Siebel application with administrator responsibilities.
  2. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen > Servers view.
  3. In the Components list, select an object manager where end users enter and modify customer data.

    For example, select the Call Center Object Manager (ENU) if you want to enable or disable real-time data matching or cleansing for that object manager.

  4. Click the Parameters subview tab.
  5. In the Parameters field in the Component Parameters list, apply the appropriate settings to the parameters in the table below to enable or disable data matching or cleansing.

Data Cleansing Enable Flag

Indicates whether real-time data cleansing is enabled for a specific object manager, such as Call Center Object Manager (ENU). This parameter allows you to set different data cleansing values in different object managers.

By default, all values for this parameter are set to False.

DeDuplication Enable Flag

Indicates whether real-time data matching is enabled for a specific object manager, such as Call Center Object Manager (ENU). This parameter allows you to set different data matching values in different object managers.

By default, all values for this parameter are set to False.

Data Cleansing Type

Indicates the third-party vendor software that is used for data cleansing.

DeDuplication Type

Indicates the third-party vendor software that is used for data matching.

NOTE:  The settings at this object manager level override the enterprise-level settings.

  1. After the component parameters are set, restart the object manager either by using srvrmgr or by completing the following sub-steps:
    1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Server Management > Servers.
    2. Click the Components Groups view tab (if not already active).
    3. In the Servers list (upper applet), select the appropriate Siebel Server (if you have more than one in your enterprise).
    4. In the Components Groups list (middle applet), select the component of your object manager, and use the Startup and Shutdown buttons to restart the component.

      For information about restarting server components, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

To enable SDQ at the Object Manager level using the Siebel Server Manager command-line interface

  1. Start the Siebel Server Manager command-line interface (srvrmgr) using the user name and password of a Siebel application administrator account such as SADMIN. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

    NOTE:  You must have Siebel administrator responsibility to start or run Siebel Server tasks using the Siebel Server Manager command-line interface.

  2. Execute a command like one of the following examples to enable or disable data matching or data cleansing.

    The examples are for the Call Center English application (where SSCObjmgr_enu is the alias name of the English Call Center object manager of the Call Center application.) Use the appropriate alias_name for the application component name to which you want the change applied:

    • To enable data matching if you are using SSA software:

    change parameter DedDupTypeEnable=True, DeDupTypeType=SSA for component SCCObjMgr_enu

    • To enable data matching if you are using Universal Connector third-party software:

    change parameter DedDupTypeEnable=True, DeDupTypeType=Firstlogic for component SCCObjMgr_enu

    • To enable data cleansing if you are using Universal Connector third-party software:

    change parameter DataCleansingEnable=True, DataCleansingType=Firstlogic for component SCCObjMgr_enu

    To disable data matching or data cleansing, executes commands like these examples with the DeDupTypeEnable or DataCleansingEnable parameters set to False.

    For more information on using the command-line interface, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.