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Cleansing Data Using Batch Jobs

The following procedure describes how to use a batch job to perform data cleansing on records in a selected business component.

To effectively exclude selected records when running data cleansing tasks, you must add the following command to your object WHERE clause:

[Disable Cleansing] <> 'Y'

CAUTION:  When you run a process in batch mode, any visibility limitation against your targeted data set is ignored. It is recommended that you allow only a small group of people to access the Siebel Server Manager to run your data quality tasks, otherwise you run the risk of corrupting your data.

To perform batch mode data cleansing

  1. Start the Server Manager Program.
  2. At the srvrmgr> prompt, enter a command like one of those in the following table to perform data cleansing.

    The table shows example commands for each of the relevant business components.

    Business Component
    Example of Server Manager Command


    run task for comp DQMgr with bcname=Account, bobjname= Account, opType="Data Cleansing", objwhereclause="[field_name] LIKE 'search_string*'", DqSetting="'','','account_datacleanse.xml'"

    Business Address

    run task for comp DQMgr with bcname= "Business Address", bobjname="Business Address", opType="Data Cleansing", objwhereclause="[field_name] LIKE 'search_string*'", DqSetting="'','', 'business_address_datacleanse.xml'"


    run task for comp DQMgr with bcname=Contact, bobjname=Contact, opType="Data Cleansing", objwhereclause LIKE "[field_name]='search_string*'", DqSetting="'','','contact_datacleanse.xml'"

    List Mgmt Prospective Contact

    run task for comp DQMgr with bcname= "List Mgmt Prospective Contact", bobjname="List Mgmt", opType="Data Cleansing", objwhereclause LIKE "[field_name]='search_string*'", DqSetting="'','','prospect_datacleanse.xml'"

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