Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications > Required Application Administration Tasks > Registering Partners and Creating Partner Organizations >

Registering Partners and Promoting Them to Organizations

NREC registers each partner and then converts it to an organization within the NREC company structure.

To register a partner and then promote it to an organization

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Site Map > Administration - Partner > Approved Partners.

    The Approved Partners view appears.

  2. In the Approved Partners list, click New to enter a new record representing the partner. For example, enter San Francisco Real Estate.

    A Partner form appears.

  3. Save the record.

    The record is displayed in the Partners list.

  4. Click the Register button.

    A form appears where you can select the Organization flag, which automatically promotes the partner to an organization.

  5. Select the Organization flag and enter NREC as the parent organization.

    The partner is moved to the Registered partners list and an organization is created for the partner as a child of the parent organization—NREC.

Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications