Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Web Services > About Web Services Security Support >

Configuring the Siebel Application to Use the
WS-Security Specification

To use the WS-Security specification in the Siebel application, two parameters, UseAnonPool and Impersonate, must be set. An example of configuring WS Security for Siebel inbound Web services follows.

To configure the Siebel Application to Use the WS-Security Specification

  1. Set the UseAnonPool parameter in the eapps.cfg (SWE plug-in) file under [/eai_anon_enu] as follows:

    UseAnonPool = TRUE

  2. Create a named subsystem with the correct parameters. Do the following if creating this from the command line (command line example):
    1. Start the Siebel Server Manager.

      For information on accessing the Siebel Server Manager, see the Siebel System Administration Guide.

    2. Run the following command to create a subsystem named SecureWebService that is ready to be consumed by a WS-Security client:

    create named subsystem SecureWebService for subsystem EAITransportDataHandlingSubsys with DispatchService="Web Services Inbound Dispatcher",DispatchMethod="Dispatch",Impersonate="true"

  3. When the client makes an actual call to the Web service, make sure that SWEExtSource is pointing to the correct virtual directory and named subsystem:


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