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EAI MQSeries Transport Named Subsystem

The EAI MQSeries Transport can read parameters from a named subsystem. For the EAI MQSeries Server Transport, the named subsystem type is MqSeriesServerSubsys.

Following is an example of the EAI MQSeries Server Transport and the commands to create a named subsystem and start a receiver.

create named subsystem MyMqSrvrSubsys for subsystem MQSeriesServerSubsys with MqPhysicalQueueName=Receiver,MqRespPhysicalQueueName=Sender,MqQueueManagerName=myQueueMgr

create named subsystem SiebelEcho for subsystem EAITransportDataHandlingSubsys with DispatchService="Workflow Utilities",DispatchMethod=ECHO

start task for comp MqSeriesSrvRcvr with ReceiverConnectionSubsystem=MyMqSrvrSubsys,ReceiverDataHandlingSubsystem=SiebelEcho,ReceiverMethodName=ReceiveDispatchSend

  • For a discussion of named subsystems for Siebel EAI, see EAI Transports and Interfaces Overview.
  • For more information on named subsystems, see the Siebel System Administration Guide.
  • Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration