Siebel Field Service Guide > Agreements > Process of Setting Up Agreements >

Setting Up Agreement Approval

Agreement approvals can be set up to make sure that once an agreement is worth more than a specified sum, approval is sought from the appropriate employee.

By default, an agreement is submitted for approval if the agreement total exceeds $50,000. The user can change this validation rule or add additional rules for further validation before submitting the agreement for approval. See Creating Agreement Validation Rules and To submit an agreement for approval for more information.

To review the workflows called by the agreement approval signal

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Order Management screen > Signals view.
  2. In the Signals list, select the ApproveItem record.
  3. In the Versions list, drill down on the latest workspace.

    The Actions view appears.

  4. Note the following information in the Actions list:
    • The Sequence field shows the order in which the calls to the business services are made.
    • The Service Name field shows the names of the workflows called from the signal.

      The signal updates the process for the order, quote, or agreement before the agreement is submitted for approval. See Workflow to Approve Agreements for more information.

      TIP:   If you want the approver to receive an email in addition to placing the agreement in their Inbox, change the parameter in the signal ApproveItem for SendMail to TRUE.

To review the agreement approval validation

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Data Validation screen > Rule Sets view.
  2. In the Validation Rule Set list, select the Agreement Approval record.
  3. Click the Rules view tab.

    The Rules view appears, showing the expression, business component, and return code used with this particular rule.

  4. (Optional) If you want to change the default amount of 50,000 or make any other changes to the rule, use this view.

Defining the Agreement Approvals List

You must define a list of approvers so that the agreement is moved to the appropriate Approval Inbox for approval or rejection.

To define a list of agreement approvers

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen > Approval Admin view.
  2. In the Approval Item list, select the Agreement Approval record.
  3. In the Approval Flow Type, make sure that the correct option is selected.
    • Select Sequential to distribute the agreement approval to approvers one after another in the sequence specified using the Sequence # field. Field Service routes the approval to the next approver only if the current approver approves the request. If any one approver in the approval chain declines the request, the approval is rejected and no further routing is conducted.
    • Select Parallel to distribute the agreement approval to all approvers simultaneously for approval. The approval is rejected if at least one approver declines the approval request.
  4. In the Approval Stage list, create a new record for each user required to approve the agreement, completing the fields as appropriate.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Sequence #

    Identifies the numeric sequence of this approval stage in the current agreement approval. Field Service executes approval stages in numerical order based on this number.

    Approval Type

    Specifies whether the approver is a position or an employee.

    Owner Login Name

    Indicates the login name tied to this Approval Stage. Relevant only if Approval Type is Employee.

    Owner Position

    Indicates the position tied to this Approval Stage. Relevant only if Approval Type is Position.

    TIP:   To view a list of the agreements for approval, approvers can navigate to the Inbox screen > Inbox Items view. See Applications Administration Guide for more information on using the Inbox.

Siebel Field Service Guide