Global Deployment Guide > Configuring Global Deployments >

About Application-Wide Data

This topic describes the different types of application-wide data that need to be considered for global deployments.

Sales Cycles

Sales cycle stages can be localized into different languages by configuring them according the global data approach described in Setting Up Global Data. See also Technical Note 438 on Siebel SupportWeb.


Periods appear in applications such as Incentive Compensation and cannot be localized.


Make sure that your Siebel Business Applications use the appropriate currency for your users. For information about currency administration, including exchange rates and currency conversion, see the Applications Administration Guide.

Telephone Numbers

You will need to specify telephone number formats for the countries in which you will be deploying. For information about how to perform this procedure, see the Applications Administration Guide.


There are many templates to consider when planning a global deployment. They include:

  • Proposals
  • Presentations
  • Reports
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Correspondence

    Each correspondence template is in a specific language. These templates have been localized. For information about creating new correspondence templates, in any language, see the Siebel Correspondence, Proposals, and Presentations Guide. Each user can specify a default correspondence template; users can choose the appropriate template for their locale.

    NOTE:  You can have the language tagged in the template in the appropriate language or locale field. Because the Application Object Manager is multilingual, you can write a single workflow rule, then change the search specification on the language or locale of that template.


The items that are included in the Literature tab can be in any language. For information about adding items to the Literature tab, see the Applications Administration Guide.

NOTE:  In order to be able to tell the language in which a literature item is written, you may want to include the item's language in its name and description, or add extension columns to hold those properties, so that they are searchable and could be automatically assigned by Assignment Manager.


iHelp is a language-independent feature. This means that:

  • The same iHelp can run in multiple languages.
  • The same logic can be used, but with a localized message displayed.
  • The language is determined by the current application language.

For more information about creating or administering iHelp, see the Applications Administration Guide.

Siebel SmartScript

Siebel SmartScript is a language-independent module. This means that:

  • The same SmartScript can run in multiple languages.
  • The same logic can be used, but with a localized message displayed.
  • The language can be manually selected or set automatically when a script is started.

NOTE:  SmartScript does not recognize date-time data as being in UTC format. It can recognize only date-time data as specified by the server it is running on.

For more information about SmartScript, see the Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide.

Global Deployment Guide