Global Deployment Guide > Planning Global Deployments >

Expected Results of Global Deployment Planning

The answers to the questions in Understanding Your Company's Global Business Requirements should help determine your:

  • Globalization strategy
  • Globalization project timeline
  • Network diagram
  • Capacity planning
  • Call handling strategy for CTI and call center features
  • Localization scope, for example, for the List of Views and Applets by language
  • Localization budget
  • List of modifications you need for preconfigured functions required by a specific locale
  • List of tables and data to be exchanged with other applications, as determined from your analysis of any legacy interfaces

By considering the questions listed in the foregoing sections before you undertake a global deployment, you stand to decrease the total cost of ownership (TCO) your company pays for its global outreach, in the form of:

  • Driving down the cost of localization development
  • Decreasing global deployment costs in general
  • Shortening the time to market for global deployments
Global Deployment Guide