Going Live with Siebel Business Applications > Rolling Out Updates to Mobile Clients > Customizing Siebel.ini Files >

Key Parameters in Siebel.ini File

The following parameters, located in different sections in the siebel.ini file, are generally already set appropriately, based on performing the master installation. Review these settings and modify those that require it.

  • Set the FolderName parameter in the [Defaults] section for each language pack to the same value as the FolderName parameter in the [Defaults] section for the base installation. If you do so, the relevant shortcuts (icons) will be delivered to the same location under the Windows Start menu.
  • Set the RootDirectory parameter in the [Defaults] section to the installation location on the target system—for a full, language pack, or patch (maintenance release) installation. By default, the parameter value is populated by the Packager utility to correspond to the staging location where you built the package—for example, C:\sea752\client. You can leave this value as is, or set it to another location on the target system.
  • Add and set the parameter NoFolder to No in the [Startup] section to suppress the creation of the startup folder at install. Set this parameter in both the base and language siebel.ini file.
  • Do not enclose the DockConnString parameter value in double quotes.
  • Do not modify the parameter AppServer in the [Startup] section.
  • If the SystemDSN parameter is set to no, the installer creates single-user data sources. This type of data source is visible only to the user who installed it.

    If SystemDSN parameter is set to yes, the installer creates system data sources, which are shared by all users who log into that particular machine. You must have administrator privileges to create a system installation.

  • You can use the addLanguages parameter to enable users to add language packs to an existing Siebel client installation.

    If addLanguages (in the [Dialog] section) is defined and set to yes, when the user installs, a single dialog box appears, listing all installed instances of the Siebel client. The user can choose a Siebel client instance to add a language pack to, or click Next to install a new Siebel client.

    If addLanguages is set to no, then an installation directory must be specified using the RootDirectory parameter.

    For a package installing a patch, do not use the addLanguages parameter.

NOTE:  Do not enable any dialog boxes in a packaged installation, except the one described above for adding languages. Enabling any other dialog boxes in the Packager is redundant, because the necessary user input has already been captured by the initial installation. (If other dialog boxes are enabled, user input is ignored.)

Going Live with Siebel Business Applications