Siebel Consumer Goods Handheld Guide > Application Administration > Setting Up Products in Siebel Consumer Goods Handheld >

Setting Up Simple Volume and Tiered Discounts in Consumer Goods Handheld

To set up a volume discounting structure that can be used in the Siebel Consumer Goods Handheld application, you need to work in the Pricing Administration screen in the Siebel Web Client. There are two discount types that you can set up: Simple discounts and tiered discounts.

For example, when you are selling large volumes of product, you may offer promotional pricing. With a simple discount, zero to 15 product units may equal a 2% discount, 16 to 30 product units may equals a 4% discount, and 31 to 50 units may equal a 6% discount, and so on. With a tiered discount the first 15 product units may receive a 2% discount, the second 15 product units a 4% discount, and the last 19 a 6% discount.

The following tasks detail setup of simple volume discounts, and tiered discounts.

To set up simple volume discounts on products

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Pricing Administration.

    The Price Lists view appears.

  2. Select an account record, and click the Price List Line Items view tab.

    All products associated with the selected account appear in the Price List Line Items view.

  3. Select a product record, click in the volume discount field, the choose a discount amount from the drop-down list.

To set up simple volume discounts on services

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Pricing Administration > Pricing Administration.

    The Price Lists screen appears.

  2. Select an account record, and click the Service Pricing view tab.

    All services associated with the selected account appear in the Service Pricing view.

  3. Select a service record, click in the volume discount field, the choose a discount amount from the drop-down list.

To set up tiered volume discounts

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Pricing Administration.

    The Price List screen appears.

  2. Select an account record, and click the Service Price List Line Items view tab.

    All products associated with the selected account appear in the Price List Line Items view.

  3. Select a product record, click in the volume discount field, then choose (???) the drop-down list.
Siebel Consumer Goods Handheld Guide