Siebel Consumer Goods Handheld Guide > Application Administration > Accounts Administration in Siebel Consumer Goods Handheld >

Setting Available Credit for an Account in Consumer Goods Handheld

Use the Available Credit field in the Accounts list to specify the amount of credit available to an account. The sales representative can determine whether to take an order based on the current balance or cancel the order if it would exceed the available credit.

To set available credit for an account

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Data> Account List.
  2. In the Accounts list, select an account.
  3. In the Available Credit field, enter an amount.

    If the Available Credit column is not displayed, click the list menu button and select Columns Displayed to add the Available Credit column to the Displayed Columns list.

Siebel Consumer Goods Handheld Guide