Siebel Medical Handheld Guide > Application Administration > Administering Siebel Medical Handheld for Consignment Inventory Management >

About Usage Calculations

ales representatives can use the Medical Handheld to analyze usage behavior on consigned inventory. They can compare Average Usage (in the field called Use in the Inventory Detail views) and Historical Average Usage (in the field called Avg in the Inventory Detail views). Average Usage is the quantity used over a predefined number of days based on the last two cycle counts performed. The Historical Average Usage is the quantity used over a predefined number of days based on all cycle counts ever performed for that product. By comparing these two calculations, sales representatives will be able to determine whether there are any significant changes to usage behavior for a certain product. They can use this information to identify cross-sell and up-sell opportunities.

Detailed calculations are as follows:

  • On Count Complete, store Current Usage is based on adjustment and Current Count Date. Current Usage is the difference between what was counted and what the application expects to have.
  • Calculate and store New Daily Usage = Current Usage / (Current Count Date - Last Count Date).
  • Calculate New Historical Daily Usage = ((Historical Daily Usage x Number of Counts)+New Daily Usage)/ (Number of Counts + 1).
  • Calculate and store Historical Average Usage = New Historical Average Usage x Use Days.
  • Calculate and store Average Usage = New Daily Usage x Use Days.
  • Store Current Count Date as Last Count Date.

NOTE:  Use Days is defined by the Administrator for each inventory location. See Managing Inventory Locations with Siebel Medical Handheld to determine how to define Use Days. If Use Days is not defined for the Inventory Location (for example, field is blank), a default input of 30 is used to calculate usage. Usage is calculated when Sales Representatives tap 'Count Complete' button as they complete a cycle count. It will only be calculated for products that are counted during that cycle count. Also, Usage numbers will not be calculated during the first time that a cycle count is performed on an inventory location. Usage calculations need a reference cycle count, since it is the first cycle count, the application will not be able to calculate meaningful numbers.

Siebel Medical Handheld Guide