Siebel Medical Handheld Guide > Deployment of Siebel Handheld > Distributing Siebel Handheld Application Patches >

Deploying Handheld Application Patches with Companion Sync

In order to set up patch deployment for Companion Sync users, you need to create a "model" of a patched Siebel Mobile Web Client and a patched handheld client. Then you pull the designated patch files and place them in the correct directory on the end user's Mobile Web Client. You may use Siebel Anywhere to create upgrade kits to automate this process of distributing patch files to your end user's Mobile Web Client. The next time the end user uses Companion Sync to synchronize their handheld device with the Siebel Mobile Web Client, the patch is installed on the device.

For more information on how the patch process works with synchronization, see Downloading Patches to the Handheld Device.

To set up patch deployment

  1. On Siebel server, verify that the following directories exist. If they do not, create the directories.
    • C:\patch\AppBinDir
    • C:\patch\WinDir
  2. Apply the patch to Siebel server.
  3. Apply the patch to Siebel Mobile Web Client.

    This Mobile Web Client serves as the model from which the patch files can be pulled.

  4. Apply the patch to one handheld client.

    This handheld client serves as the model from which the patch files can be pulled.

  5. Examine the handheld directory (My Device\Program Files\Siebel Handheld) and copy the files with the latest date to the Siebel Server directory (C:\patch\AppBinDir).
  6. Examine the handheld directory (My Device\Windows) and copy the files with the latest timestamp to the Siebel Server directory (C:\patch\WinDir).
  7. From the DOS prompt, change directory to C:\Siebel Root\SWEApp\BIN.
  8. Execute the following command to move the patch files to the correct location and generate a patchlist.txt file:

    C:\Siebel Root\SWEApp\BIN>createpatchlist /s c:\patch /t c:\Siebel Root\sweapp\cepatch_xxx (where xxx is the language [enu, esn, and so on])

    /s - source directory. The directory where the patch files were moved.

    /t - target directory. The directory where PatchAgent checks for the patch files.

    NOTE:  You may specify a drive other than C:. However, the location of the source and target directories must be specified exactly as shown.

    After the patch files have been moved and the patch list created, the following message appears: "Patch List has been successfully created in Siebel Root\SWEApp\cepatch_xxx files transferred successfully."

  9. Create the following directory on the end user's Mobile Web Client: Siebel Root\client\cepatch_xxx (where xxx is the language [enu, esn, and so on]), and push the files from the \Siebel Root\SWEApp\cepatch_xxx directory on Siebel server to the Siebel Root\client\cepatch_xxx on the Mobile Web Client.

    NOTE:  Siebel Anywhere upgrade kits can be used to carry out this step.

Siebel Medical Handheld Guide