Siebel Medical Handheld Guide > Troubleshooting > Synchronization >

Direct Server Sync Checklist

Use the following checklist to troubleshoot problems you encounter using Direct Server Sync.

  • Did you install all client and server components successfully?
  • Is there a PDA object manager (OM) running on the Siebel Server?
  • Did you bounce the IIS, SWE, and Siebel Server after installation?
  • Do you have network access to the URL for DSS? Can you ping the IIS server from inside and, if applicable, from outside the firewall?
  • Can you successfully run a SWE command?
  • Do you have the correct SyncURL defined in the setup.ini file?
  • Is the network connection working from the device? Try Pocket Internet Explorer.
  • If you have problems logging in, check to make sure that you can use the same credentials to log into the desktop client.
  • Remember to keep a 1:1 ratio of users to devices. Only a single user may log in to sync each device. Failure to do so causes data corruption.

When using a SRF with a custom configuration and the sync error occurs during initialization, follow the steps below to troubleshoot problems:

To troubleshoot Direct Server Sync configuration errors

  1. Turn on Handheld Sync logging to 5 and look for more error details in the Siebel Handheld Synchronization OM log. For more information, see Configuring Direct Server Sync Logging Levels.
  2. Use the Validate function in Siebel Tools to look for a configuration error.
  3. Remove handheld views from user responsibility until synchronization passes the error point.
  4. Remove DefaultBusObjs from Administration - Mobile > Application Administration > Settings until synchronization passes the error point.
Siebel Medical Handheld Guide