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Managing Samples in Siebel Pharma Handheld

Most pharmaceutical manufacturers provide free samples to health care professionals in an effort to influence the prescribing habits of physicians and accounts across the United States and the world. In the United States, samples distribution is regulated by the FDA and must be reconciled at least once a year.

Pharma Handheld maintains a samples transaction record for samples transfer, receipt, disbursement, order, and inventory adjustment. The application assigns each samples transaction record a unique identifier for tracking purposes. Depending on the type of transaction, you can display this identifier as a transaction number, an order number, an invoice number, or a transfer number.

This section describes managing and maintaining an electronic inventory of samples and promotional items within Pharma Handheld. As part of managing samples, you can track an electronic inventory of samples stock, create request orders and transfers for samples, and acknowledge receipt of sample transfers directly in Pharma Handheld. You can use either Siebel Pharma or Siebel Pharma Handheld to manage your samples, however you cannot use both applications to handle samples transactions. Reconciling inventory must be performed in Siebel Pharma. This section includes the following topics on managing samples in Pharma Handheld.

Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide