Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Application Administration >

Administering Disclaimer Text in Siebel Pharma Handheld

Your legal department may require that a change be made to the disclaimer text that appears below the signature area on the Siebel Signature Capture display of Siebel Pharma Handheld. Only one disclaimer can be active at a time.

NOTE:  Signature capture configurability is only available on handheld applications, not on Siebel Web client applications.

To edit the disclaimer text

  1. From the application-level menu, select View > Site Map > Samples Administration > Disclaimer Administration.

    The Disclaimer Administration view appears.

  2. In the Disclaimers list, add a record.
  3. Enter the new text in the Disclaimer field.

    The Status, Start Date, End Date, Created By, and Created fields are read-only.

  4. Click Submit.

    The submitted disclaimer becomes active, and the status and date fields are updated. When sales representatives next synchronize, the disclaimer on their Pharma handheld device is updated.

Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide