Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Troubleshooting > Log Files >

Direct Server Sync Log and Output Files

The name of the Direct Server Sync Log is the OM name plus the task ID for that log session. The log is found in the log subdirectory under the Siebel root directory. Depending on the amount of detail enabled, this file can give a good perspective of what has happened during synchronization regarding the Siebel OM.

To assist Siebel Technical Support, collect the following files when logging a Siebel Handheld service request. The following files are found on the machine where Siebel Server is installed:

  • All server sync user files in the Siebel Root\siebsrvr\hhsync\application directory\user id\node id directory.
  • Server application event log extract.
  • Server system event log extract.
  • All files in the Siebel Root\siebsrvr\log directory including CompName_task.log.

    where CompName is the name of an application server component, and task is a Siebel task number. Each sync session is assigned a new Siebel task, so there will be many of these. An example "CompName" value is "SalesCE_enu" (note that language is part of the component name itself).

  • All files from all subdirectories under the Siebel Root\siebsrvr\logarchive directory.
  • Server perfmon log files (showing memory, network, disk performance), if available.

The following files are found on the machine where the Web Server (that is, IIS) is installed:

  • SWE log files from Siebel Root\eappweb\log (all files).
  • IIS server application event log extract.
  • IIS server system event log extract.
  • IIS server perfmon log files (showing memory, network, disk performance), if available.
Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide