Siebel HelpDesk Guide > Setting Up HelpDesk >

Using Siebel Automated Service

The Siebel Automated Service product can be used to automatically collect diagnostic information from the user's IT equipment when the user submits an Issue over the Web using the HelpDesk Online product. In addition, remote desktop management can also be enabled using the Siebel Automated Service product. These two functions become available through the SmartIssue and SupportCenter tabs of the Service Request - HelpDesk.

To enable SmartIssue and SupportCenter remote management information, you need to first enable the SmartIssue tab and the SupportCenter tab; furthermore, there are some initial configurations that are necessary for the applet Employee Service Request List Applet (ERM). To enable SmartIssue and SupportCenter remote management, you need to perform the following task.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Siebel HelpDesk.

To enable SmartIssue

  1. Using Siebel Tools, add a field to the Employee Service Request List Applet (ERM) applet.

    For more information about adding fields using Siebel Tools, see Using Siebel Tools.

  2. Select the Employee Service Request List Applet (ERM) applet in EDIT mode and add the following field to the applet with corresponding properties as shown in the following table.


    SmartIssue #



    HTML Type



    Diagnostic #

    Read Only


  3. Add a field to the Employee Service Request Detail Applet (ERM) applet by selecting the Employee Service Request Detail Applet (ERM) applet in Base mode and add the following SmartIssue field to the applet with corresponding properties as shown in the following table.


    SmartIssue #



    HTML Type



    Diagnostic #

    Read Only


  4. Paste the following eScript in the Applet Browser Script under the OnClick event of the WriteRecord event for the Employee Service Request List Applet (ERM) applet.

    function Edit_0_Control_WriteRecord_onclick (applet, id)


    var IssueID;

    var ProblemDescription;

    var bRet;

    var si;

    si = new ActiveXObject("SdcUser.SmartIssue.1");

    if (si == null)


    alert("Unable to Create the Support Automation ActiveX control");


    // set the name of your supportSoft server in the line below

    si.SetCurrentServer ("http://localhost/global/");

    // Getting the Title field value from the SR form

    var oProblemDescControl = document.SWEForm3_0.s_3_2_28_0.value;

    //alert("Value of oProblemDescControl = "+ oProblemDescControl);

    // Setting the SI description field

    IssueID = si.NewIssue(ProblemDescription);

    // Setting the SmartIssue field with the value of SI #

    document.SWEForm3_0.s_3_1_18_0.value = IssueID;

    //alert("IssueID = "+ IssueID);

    bRet = si.submitIssue(IssueID, "");

    //alert("Submitted SI = "+ IssueID);


    The two fields on the document referred to in the script as



    may change the values at compile time. It is recommended that you verify the name of the fields from the HTML code at run time by viewing the source of the HTML through the browser.

    You should also remember to set the correct SupportSoft Server URL in the script.

  5. Navigate to View > Options > Scripting to set the correct path for your browser script to be deployed and do one of the following:
    • If you are deploying the English version of Siebel ERM on the Siebel Server (zero-install client), set the browser script compilation folder to the following:


    After compiling the applet, a new folder called <srfxxxxxxxxxx_xxx> is created in the c:\sea771\siebsrvr\WEBMASTER\ENU folder.

    • If you are deploying the English version of Siebel ERM on the Siebel Web Client, set the browser script compilation folder to the following:


  6. Navigate to the Administration - Integration screen.
  7. Navigate to WI Symbolic URL List screen.
  8. Navigate to the Host Administration screen.
  9. Change the Name of the Virtual Name to the server name of your Siebel Automated Service server.
  10. Navigate to the Service Request - HelpDesk screen.
  11. SmartIssue and SupportCenter views are populated with auto information.

    For more information on how to configure the Siebel Automated Service License Discovery functionality, see the SupportSoft and ADM documentation on the Siebel eBusiness Third-Party Bookshelf.

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