Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS > Installing the Siebel Schema on the DB2 Host > Process of Performing a Custom Installation >

About Reviewing the Log Files for Windows

The Siebel Database Server installation and configuration process creates a number of log files, such as upgwiz.log and upgwiz_01.log (the numeric suffix incrementing for subsequent log files), within the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\log directory. Review the log files for any errors.

When you install your base language pack, it creates a log file named dataimp_prim_lang.log.

The main log file, produced by the Siebel Upgrade Wizard (upgwiz.log), does not contain information on errors returned by applications. You can find additional information about the configuration process in the sw_cfg_util.log file. Depending on the operation you perform, the ddl_ctl.log file reflects any errors.

To find additional operation-specific log files, open upgwiz.log using a text editor and search for a ".log" string. Upgwiz.log shows the names of log files produced during the installation operation; for example, if the configuration of the Database Server fails, the upgwiz.log file contains the following information:

GenericLog GenericError 1 2002-02-28 15:51:24 (err=1) was returned by application (C:\sea78\siebsrvr\bin\ddlimp.exe ...)

GenericLog GenericError 1 2002-02-28 15:51:24 Execute file action failed (err=Launching the application)

In an example such as the previous one, the ddlimp.log file contains a detailed error message:

DDLIMP-ERR-1071: Unable to build ddl statement "add col" (Open unloadtbl.jcl)

About the htmlgenm Utility

You can also use the Siebel utility, htmlgenm, to create an HTML file with a summary report of all steps performed by the Upgrade Wizard, together with information on log files.

The htmlgenm utility has three options:

/M Master UCF file

Default: master.ucf

/H Summary HTML file

Default: summary.htm

/L Siebupg.exe LOG file

Default: upgwiz.log

For example, to view the HTML results from the database installation, use the following command to generate the summary.htm file in the log subdirectory:

htmlgenm /m master_install_mf.ucf

Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS