Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS > Siebel Repository Import and Postinstallation Tasks > Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Repository >

Loading Statistics

Execute the script, loadstat.sql, to load the statistics required for the operation of the Siebel application into the DB2 catalog.

To edit and run the loadstat.sql script

  1. Locate the script, loadstat.sql, within the DBSRVR_ROOT\db2390 directory (Windows) or the $DBSRVR_ROOT/db2390 directory (UNIX).
  2. Follow the instructions documented inside loadstat.sql to edit the file, making sure to change the variable SIEBELTABLECREATOR to the CREATOR for the Siebel Schema as defined in the DB2 catalog.
  3. Execute the script using any method you prefer.
Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS