Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS > Understanding Siebel Partitioning >

About Siebel Partitioning

Partitioning table spaces on DB2 allows tables to be spread across multiple physical partitions based on a partitioning key, a partitioning index, and a set of key value ranges for each partition. Using partitioned table spaces increases the maximum size of a table and improves the manageability of large tables.

Partitioning EIM table spaces by batch number improves EIM performance for batching and parallel processing, and allows distribution of key ranges across multiple data sets.

Any table, including any of the high-volume tables listed in Table 8, can be partitioned during the installation or upgrade process. You can define partitioned table spaces and key ranges for Siebel tables during or after installation, based on your business requirements. For a complete list of prepartitioned Siebel tables, see Prepartitioned Siebel Tables.

You can partition tables yourself by following Siebel guidelines, or you can take advantage of the default partitioning scheme that Siebel Systems developed, based on Siebel customer experience using the Siebel data model with DB2 for z/OS. If you use the Siebel default partitions, you can either accept them as they are, or you can reconfigure them to suit your requirements.

Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS