Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Setting Up and Carrying Out a Clinical Trial >

Monitoring Subject Status and Enrollment Rates (End User)

You can view charts of:

  • Subjects by status
  • Enrollment rates

These charts can be displayed by protocol, region, or site. Charts can be displayed in a variety of formats.

To create graphical charts

  1. Navigate to the Protocols, Regions, or Site Management screen.
  2. In the list, select the record for which you want to create the charts.
  3. On the link bar, click the Charts view tab.
  4. To display a subjects-by-status chart:
    1. From the Show drop-down menu, select Subject Accruals.
    2. From the second drop-down menu, select Subject Status Analysis.
  5. To display an enrollment rate chart:
    1. From the Show drop-down menu, select Subject Enrollment.
    2. From the second drop-down menu, select Subject Enrollment Analysis.
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