Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide > Getting Started with Siebel Loyalty > Configuration of Siebel Loyalty >

Allowing Transactions to Be Processed Both Manually and Automatically

Without configuration, Loyalty transactions are processed automatically by the batch engine if their status is Queued, and they are processed manually by clicking the Process button if their status is Acceptable.

The status depends on how the transaction is created. For example, transactions created by the member on the eLoyalty web site are given a status of Queued, so they are processed automatically by the batch engine.

You can configure the product so users can click the Process button to process transactions whose status is either Queued or Acceptable. Then users will not have to wait for the batch engine to run for Queued transactions to be processed. They will have the option of either waiting for the batch engine or clicking Process to process the transaction immediately.

To do this, set the following parameter in the LOY Engine Transaction business component for LOY Queue Manager SearchSpec: Batch

[Status] = LookupValue('LOY_TXN_STATUS_CD','Acceptable') OR [Status] = LookupValue('LOY_TXN_STATUS_CD','Queued') AND [Program Active Flag]<>'N'

Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide