Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide > Host Organization's Use of Siebel Loyalty >

About the Host Organization's Use of Siebel Loyalty

After the loyalty administrator has set up loyalty programs and promotions, member service representatives work directly with program members. For example:

  • A customer may telephone a member service representative and ask to be enrolled as a member in a loyalty program.
  • A member may telephone a member service representative and ask to redeem points for a reward.

Salespeople also work with program members. For example, salespeople will sell products that earn bonus points for members. Depending on your business model, salespeople may redeem members' points for rewards.

This chapter covers the ways that member service representatives, salespeople, and other employees of the host organization work with members of loyalty programs.

Other people can also perform some of the same tasks as your employees:

Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide