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Assignment Object (H)

Siebel Object Types > Workflow Policy Object (H) > Assignment Object

Specifies a business entity to which a candidate can be assigned, what gets updated to accomplish that assignment, and other assignment behavior arguments. Assignment Object object definitions are assigned to assignment rules in the Object field of assignment rule records.

The parent workflow policy object provides a set of available column mappings through its child workflow policy components and grandchild workflow policy component columns. These can be specified in assignment attribute column object definitions as columns to test for value matches and to monitor in dynamic assignment for value changes.

NOTE:  The Property column in the following table shows property names as they appear in the Properties window in Siebel Tools, and the List Applet column shows property names as they appear in the Assignment Objects list applet in Siebel Tools. In this table, the list applet name for a property is shown only if different from the property name.

List Applet
Valid Values/Examples

Add Team Members (O)

Replace Team Members

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Assignment Manager deletes existing team members from the teams and existing assignment rules in the assignment rule intersection table that no longer qualify.

FALSE = Assignment Manager never deletes existing team members from the assignment object, even if they no longer qualify.

Assignment Date Column (O)


The datetime stamp when a record was last assigned.


Assignment Mode (O)


Determines if Assignment Manager performs any filtering based on organizations or people.

Valid values are:

  • Independent. Assigns people and organizations that qualify, regardless of whether they are related or not.
  • Person-Oriented. Assigns people that qualify, then assigns only qualified organizations that the assigned people belong to.
  • Organization-Oriented. Assigns organizations that qualify, then assigns qualified people from those organizations.
  • Organization and Person-Oriented. Identifies all qualified people and organizations, then assigns only those that have both a qualified person and related qualified organization.

Assignment Scoring Mode (R)



Defines which mode is being used to determine an assignment, person-based or organization-based.

Person-based (default) = assignment rule score is set to the score of the highest-scoring candidate (existing behavior).

Organization-based = assignment rule score is set to the score of the highest-scoring organization for the rule.

NOTE:  If no value is specified for this property, it defaults to Person-based.

Auto Reassign (R)



A TRUE or FALSE value that turns on or off dynamic assignment for rules using this assignment object.

The Generate Triggers server component looks for this flag when it generates triggers for the active assignment policy. If the property is set to FALSE, no trigger is created for the update; the assignment occurs only once when the record is inserted.

TRUE = Assignment Manager automatically reassigns assignment objects when assignment attribute values are changed and when policies are defined. This is the default value.

FALSE = Assignment Manager does not automatically reassign assignment objects.

NOTE:  If the value of this property is changed after running a Generate Triggers server component job, you must generate triggers again.

Calendar Activity Additional Fields (O)


A string that provides extra information to be used when creating an activity through availability-based assignment. This string follows a format of parent field, field 1, value1, field 2, value2.

When this field is specified, Assignment Manager sets the additional fields to the specified field values.

For more information about availability-based assignment, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

As an example, for the Service Request object, you can specify the following fields: Activity SR Id, Type, ToDo. When a new activity is created, these field values are used for the new activity.


Calendar Create Activity (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value that determines if an activity is created in an employee's calendar if assignment by availability is used.

NOTE:  If using the Activity assignment object, activities may be created according to the following logic: If one employee passes from rules that have the Check Employee Calendar field turned on, and no employee passes from other rules, the same activity is reused.

If the assignment object in question is not Activity, new activities are created for each employee who passes. The "Parent Activity" for all activities is set to the original activity Id.

TRUE = Assignment Manager can create activities to block out time in an employee's calendar.

FALSE =Activity is not created in employee's calendar.

NOTE:  If no value is specified, it defaults to FALSE.

Calendar Duration Column (O)


The column in the assignment object primary table that references the duration of the object. This is the time for which an employee's schedule is blocked.

Required if using availability-based assignment.


Calendar Early Start Time Column (O)


The column in the assignment object primary table that references the early start time of the object.

This column stores the earliest date/time at which an activity can start. The time range from Calendar Early Start Time to Calendar Start Time represents the time range during which the activity can start.

NOTE:  If no value is specified, the activity can start at any time before the value in the Calendar Start Time Column.

Required if using availability-based assignment.


Calendar Start Time Column (O)


The column in the assignment object primary table that references the start time of the object.

This column stores the latest time at which an activity can start. The time range from Calendar Early Start Time to Calendar Start Time represents the time range during which the activity can start.

Required if using availability-based assignment.


Default Employee (O)


The login ID of the default employee.

Assignment Manager assigns this employee when a conflict occurs (that is, no assignment rules match or or when two exclusive rules pass with the same score) and it cannot select the correct set of employees.

If not specified, Assignment Manager sets the owner Id field in the object row to No Match Row Id.


Default Group (O)


Not used.

Not applicable.

Default Org (O)

Default Organization

The name of the default organization. Assignment Manager assigns this organization when a conflict occurs (that is, no assignment rules match or when two exclusive rules pass with the same score) and it cannot select the correct set of organizations.

If not specified, Assignment Manager sets the owner Id field in the object row to No Match Row Id.


Default Position (O)


The name of the default position. Assignment Manager assigns this position when a conflict occurs (that is, no assignment rules match or when two exclusive rules pass with the same score) and it cannot select the correct set of positions.

If not specified, Assignment Manager sets the owner Id field in the object row to No Match Row Id.


Employee Column (O)



The name of the column in the employee intersection table that points to rows in the employee table (S_EMPLOYEE).

Required if Employee Table property is non-NULL.


Employee Denorm Column (O)

Employee Team Denorm Column

Name of the column in the employee intersection table that stores whether the employee is assigned by Assignment Manager in denormalization program.


Employee Key Column (O)


The name of the column that stores the key values of the employees assigned to the team at runtime.

Required if the UseKeyValue server component parameter is set to True.


Employee Manual Column (O)

Employee Team Manual Column

Name of the column in the employee intersection table that stores whether the employee is manually assigned.


Employee Primary Column (O)



Name of the column in the primary table that stores the primary employee (on a team) or a single-owner employee.

TIP:   If you specify a value in the Employee Primary Column and do not specify a value in the Employee Table, the assignment object is enabled for employees in the single-owner mode.

Required if the rule is of the single-owner type (that is, Assignment Manager can assign only one candidate), or if Set Primary Employee is TRUE.


Employee Primary Column List (O)

Employee Team Copy Columns

Comma-separated list of column names in the employee intersection table that should be copied when the primary employee changes. Assignment Manager copies values from these columns to form the old primary employee to the new primary employee.


Employee Primary Denorm Column (O)


Name of the column in the primary table that stores whether the primary employee is assigned by Assignment Manager in denormalization mode.

Required if the rule is of the single-owner type (that is, Assignment Manager can assign only one candidate) or if Set Primary Employee is TRUE.


Employee Primary Manual Column (O)


Name of the column in the primary table that stores whether the primary employee is manually assigned.

Required if the rule is of the single-owner type (that is, Assignment Manager can assign only one candidate) or if Set Primary Employee is TRUE.


Employee Primary System Column (O)


The name of the column in the primary table that stores whether the primary employee is assigned by Assignment Manager in denormalization mode.

Required if the rule is of the single-owner type (that is, Assignment Manager can assign only one candidate) or if Set Primary Employee is TRUE.


Employee System Column (O)

Employee Team System Column

Name of the column in the employee intersection table that stores whether the employee is assigned by Assignment Manager in non-Denormalization mode.

Required if Employee Table property is non-NULL.


Employee Table (O)


The name of the employee intersection table.

If the assignment object can be assigned to multiple employees, this intersection table stores the set of employee IDs that are assigned to the assignment object IDs.

Required if you want team-based assignment enabled. Otherwise, Assignment Manager assumes the assignment is not team-enabled.


Employee Team Score Column (O)


The name of the column in the team table that stores scores for each member of an employee team.

Any column that stores a number.

Exclude Column (O)

Lock Assignment Column

The name of the lock assignment column in the primary table, which is a column in the assignment object's primary table that can be used to prevent Assignment Manager from processing certain rows.

NOTE:  Most of the assignment object base tables have an ASGN_USR_EXCLD_FLG column, and for some objects, this column is exposed in the Siebel application as a field named Lock Assignment. However, for assignment objects that do not have this column exposed, you can query the database for the ASGN_USR_EXCLD_FLG column in the appropriate table.

NOTE:  Typically the value of this column is set through business component configuration; it is not set by Assignment Manager.

For example, when if you create a new activity, the Lock Assignment checkbox for that activity is automatically checked. Before you can assign this activity, you must uncheck this field.


Group Column (R)

Rule Column

The name of a row ID column in the rule intersection table that points to rows in the assignment rule table (S_ASGN_GRP).

This column serves as a foreign key to the assignment rule table, uniquely identifying a rule for each association between an assignment entity and a rule.

Required if Rule Table property is non-NULL.


Group Denorm Column (O)

Rule Team Denorm Column

The name of the column in the rule intersection table that stores whether the rule is assigned by Assignment Manager in denormalization mode.


Group Manual Column (O)

Rule Team Manual Column

The name of the column in the rule intersection table that stores whether the rule is manually assigned.


Group Primary Column (O)

Rule Primary Column

The name of the column in the primary table that stores the primary or single-owner rule.

Required if Set Primary Rule is TRUE.


Group Primary Column List (O)

Rule Team Copy Columns

A comma-separated list of column names in the rule intersection table that should be copied when the primary rule changes.

Assignment Manager copies values from these columns from the old primary rule to the new primary rule.


Group Primary Denorm Column (O)

Rule Primary Denorm Column

The name of the column in the primary table that stores whether the primary rule is assigned by Assignment Manager in denormalization mode.

Required if the rule is of the single-owner type (that is, Assignment Manager can assign only one candidate) or if Set Primary Group is TRUE.


Group Primary Manual Column (O)

Rule Primary Manual Column

The name of the column in the primary table that stores whether the primary rule is manually assigned.

Required if the rule is of the single-owner type (that is, Assignment Manager can assign only one candidate) or if Set Primary Group is TRUE.


Group Primary System Column (O)

Rule Primary System Column

The name of the column in the primary table that stores whether the primary rule is assigned by Assignment Manager in denormalization mode.

Required if the rule is of the single-owner type (that is, Assignment Manager can assign only one candidate) or if Set Primary Group is TRUE.


Group System Column (O)

Rule Team System Column

The name of the column in the rule intersection table that stores whether the rule is assigned by Assignment Manager in denormalization mode


Group Table (O)

Rule Table

The name of the rule intersection table.


Ignore Assignment Attributes (R)


Ignore Extra Attributes

A runtime setting for Assignment Manager (TRUE or FALSE value).

TRUE = Assignment Manager ignores assignment criteria that are not relevant to the assignment object being assigned.

Example: If you have an assignment rule that specifies Service Request Priority as a criterion, Assignment Manager ignores this criterion when assigning opportunities and accounts because Service Request Priority is an assignment attribute that is relevant only to service requests.

FALSE = All assignment criteria are evaluated.

Keep Creator (R)



A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Assignment Manager does not delete the creator of the assignment object from the team.

FALSE = Assignment Manager can delete the creator.

Keep Man Asgn Primary Employee (O)

Keep Manual Primary Employee

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Causes Assignment Manager to not set the primary employee if a Siebel user uses the Siebel client to explicitly set the primary employee in the team. Instead, Assignment Manager checks the primary person manual flag in the assignment object's primary table.

FALSE = Assignment Manager can set the primary employee.

Keep Man Asgn Primary Group (O)

Keep Manual Primary Rule

(Applies to teams only) A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Assignment Manager does not set the primary assignment rule if a Siebel user uses the Siebel client to explicitly set the primary assignment rule in the team. Assignment Manager checks the primary assignment rule manual flag in the assignment object's primary table.

FALSE = Assignment Manager sets the primary assignment rule even if it is already manually assigned.

Keep Man Asgn Primary Org (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = If the assignment object has the Org Primary Manual Column defined, Assignment Manager checks the value of that column. If the column value is Y, Assignment Manager does not reassign the primary organization.

FALSE = Assignment Manager does not check the value.

Keep Man Asgn Primary Position (O)

Keep Manual Primary Position

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Causes Assignment Manager to not set the primary position if a Siebel user uses the Siebel client to explicitly set the primary position in the team. Assignment Manager checks the primary person manual flag in the assignment object's primary table.

FALSE = Assignment Manager can set the primary position.

Keep User Assigned (R)


Keep Manual Assigned

A TRUE or FALSE value that applies to teams only.

NOTE:  Assignment Manager checks the value of the corresponding Team Manual Column property to determine if this assignee was manually assigned or not.

TRUE = Assignment Manager keeps manually assigned people (such as positions added to an account sales team) and assignment rules (such as territories added to a territory list for an opportunity).

FALSE = Manually assigned employees, positions, and rules can be replaced by an automatic assignment operation.

Max Number Per Role (O)


Not used.

Not applicable.

Name (R)


The name of the assignment object.

Uniquely identifies it within the repository and provides the name that appears in the selection picklist and multi-value group applet in assignment rules in Assignment Manager administration views.


Org Column (R)

Organization Column

The name of the column in the organization intersection table that points to rows in the organization table.

Required if Org Table property is non-NULL.


Org Denorm Column (O)


The name of the column in the organization intersection table that specifies whether the organization is assigned by Assignment Manger in denormalization mode.


Org Key Column


The name of the column that stores the key values of the organizations assigned to the team at runtime.

Required if the UseKeyValue server component parameter is set to True.


Org Manual Column (O)


The name of the column in the organization intersection table that specifies whether the organization is manually assigned.


Org Primary Column (O)



The name of the column in the primary table that stores the primary organization (on a team) or single-owner organization.

TIP:   If you specify a value in the Org Primary Column and do not specify a value in the Org Table, the assignment object is enabled for organizations in the single-owner mode.

Required if the rule is of the single-owner type (that is, Assignment Manager can assign only one candidate) or if Set Primary Org is TRUE.


Org Primary Column List (O)


A comma-separated list of column names in the organization intersection table that should be copied when the primary organization changes.

Assignment Manager copies values from these columns from the old primary organization to the new primary organization.


Org Primary Denorm Column (O)


The name of the column in the primary table that specifies whether the primary organization is assigned by Assignment Manger in denormalization mode.

Required if the rule is of the single-owner type (that is, Assignment Manager can assign only one candidate) or if Set Primary Org is TRUE.


Org Primary Manual Column (O)


The name of the column in the primary table that specifies whether the primary organization is manually assigned.

Required if the rule is of the single-owner type (that is, Assignment Manager can assign only one candidate) or if Set Primary Org is TRUE.


Org Primary System Column (O)


The name of the column in the primary table that specifies whether the primary organization is assigned by Assignment Manager in denormalization mode.

Required if the rule is of the single-owner type (that is, Assignment Manager can assign only one candidate) or if Set Primary Org is TRUE.


Org System Column (O)


The name of the column in the organization intersection table that specifies whether the organization is manually assigned.


Org Table (O)

Organization Table

The name of the organization intersection table. If the assignment object can be assigned to multiple organizations, this intersection table stores the set of organization IDs that are assigned to assignment object IDs.

Required if you want team-based assignment enabled. Otherwise, Assignment Manager assumes the assignment is not team-enabled.


Org Team Score Column (O)


The name of the column in the team table that stores scores for each member of an organization team.

Any column that stores a number.


Position Column (R)


The name of the column in the position intersection table that points to rows in the position table (S_POSTN).

Required if Position Table property is non-NULL.


Position Denorm Column (O)

Position Team Denorm Column

The name of the column in the position intersection table that stores whether the position is assigned by the denorm program.


Position Key Column


The name of the column that stores the key values of the employees assigned to the team at runtime.

Required if the UseKeyValue server component parameter is set to True.


Position Manual Column (O)

Position Team Manual Column

The name of the column in the position intersection table that stores whether the position is manually assigned.


Position Primary Column (O)



The name of the column in the primary table that stores the primary position (for teams) or single-owner position.

Required if single-position, or if Set Primary Position is TRUE.


Position Primary Column List (O)

Position Team Copy Columns

A comma-separated list of column names in the position intersection table that should be copied when the primary position changes.

Assignment Manager copies values from these columns from the old primary position to the new primary position.


Position Primary Denorm Column (O)


The name of the column in the primary table that stores whether the primary position is assigned by the denorm program.


Position Primary Manual Column (O)


The name of the column in the primary table that stores whether the primary position is manually assigned.


Position Primary System Column (O)


The name of the column in the primary table that stores whether the primary position is assigned by the Siebel application.


Position System Column (O)

Position Team System Column

The name of the column in the position intersection table that stores whether the position is assigned by the Siebel application.


Position Table (O)


The name of the position intersection table. If the assignment object can be assigned to multiple positions, this intersection table stores the set of position IDs that are assigned to the assignment object IDs.

Required if you want team-based assignment enabled. Otherwise, Assignment Manager assumes the assignment is not team-enabled.


Position Team Score Column (O)


The name of the column in the team table that stores scores for each member of a position team.

Any column that stores a number.

Primary Table (R)


The name of the primary table. This is the base table of the business component that the assignment object is used to assign.

Example: S_ORG_EXT is the primary table for the Account assignment object.

Set Primary Employee (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

The primary employee is generally the highest-scoring employee in the highest-scoring assignment rule for the assignment object being assigned.

TRUE = Assignment Manager selects and sets the primary employee.

FALSE = Assignment Manager does not select and set the primary employee.

Set Primary Group (O)

Set Primary Rule

A TRUE or FALSE value.

The primary assignment rule is generally the highest-scoring assignment rule for the assignment object being assigned.

TRUE = Assignment Manager selects and sets the primary position.

FALSE = Assignment Manager does not select or set the primary position.

Set Primary Org (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

The primary organization is generally the highest-scoring organization in the highest-scoring assignment rule for the object being assigned.

TRUE = Assignment Manager selects and sets the primary organization.

FALSE = Assignment Manager does not select and set the primary organization.

Set Primary Position (O)


A TRUE or FALSE value.

The primary position is generally the highest-scoring position in the highest-scoring assignment rule for the object being assigned.

TRUE = Assignment Manager selects and sets the primary position.

FALSE = Assignment Manager does not select and set the primary position.

Skill Item Table (O)


The name of the skill item table that stores skills for the assignment object. This table must be a child table of the table specified by the Skill Table property where the Skill Id column is a foreign key column to the skill table.


Skill Table (O)


The name of the table that stores skills for an assignment object.




A TRUE or FALSE value.

Used in conjunction with dynamic candidates feature.

TRUE = The assignment criterion is based on a column on the team table.

FALSE = The assignment criterion is not based on a column on the team table.

Check In Before Use

The projects used for creating new assignment objects must be checked back into the server before the assignment objects are available for use. You typically also compile the object definitions and distribute the resulting SRF file, but this is not necessary to make the assignment objects available.

See Also

Workflow Policy Object (H)

Object Types Reference