Siebel Order Management Guide > Product Data Service and Import/Export API Reference > Product Data Services API Methods >

GetCatalogCategories Method

Gets catalog categories for a given catalog. External


ErrCode GetCatalogCategories(const CCFPropertySet& inputArgs, CCFPropertySet& outputArgs);


const CCFPropertySet & inputArgs


Hierarchy: SearchSpec

CCFPropertySet & outputArgs


Hierarchy: SiebelMessage (Integration object "PSS Catalog Category Interface")

Example of Output Arguments

CCFPropertySet@0012CC58 p#0 c#1 type="" vt=0 value=""


c[0] CCFPropertySet@1078D580 p#4 c#1 type="SiebelMessage" vt=0 value=""


p["MessageId"] = "42-WAQ";

p["MessageType"] = "Integration Object";

p["IntObjectName"] = "PSS Catalog Categories Interface";

p["IntObjectFormat"] = "Siebel Hierarchical";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@0BD55380 p#0 c#1 type="ListOfPSS Catalog Categories Interface" vt=0 value=""


c[0] CCFPropertySet@0BD82770 p#4 c#1 type="Product Catalog" vt=0 value=""


p["Version"] = "1";

p["Description"] = "ERM Catalog";

p["Name"] = "ERM Catalog";

p["Description - Translation"] = "ERM Catalog";

p["[Field]"] = "[Value]";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@0BF21F30 p#0 c#1 type="ListOfCatalog Category" vt=0 value=""


c[0] CCFPropertySet@0BD2D7A0 p#85 c#2 type="Catalog Category" vt=0 value=""


p["Name"] = " ERM Category ";

p["[Field]"] = "[Value]";

c[0] CCFPropertySet@0BD13438 p#0 c#0 type="ListOfCatalog Category_Category Children" vt=0 value=""







Error Conditions
Error ID
Error Message Text
User Action/Resolution


The '%1' user property is not defined in business service '%2'.

Define user prop "Data Sync Service (GetCatalogCategories)" in "Product Selection Service".


Unable to create the Business Service '%1

Check to see if the business service defined in user prop "Data Sync Service (GetCatalogCategories)" in "Product Selection Service" is defined correctly.

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