Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Partner Programs Administration >

Administering Partner Program Memberships

When a partner is approved for the partner program, a membership record is automatically created. This record is populated with the following data:

  • Start Date. The day the membership begins.
  • End Date. The day the membership expires. After this date the Membership Status will automatically change to In Grace Period.
  • Renewal Begin Date. The date after which the partner can apply for renewal.
  • Renewal End Date. The date after which the partner cannot apply for renewal. When this date passes, the Membership Status changes to Expired and the partner must reapply.
  • Renewal Ineligible. A checkbox that, when checked, makes the partner ineligible to renew. This field is unchecked by default.
  • Membership Status. Values are Current Member, In Grace Period, Expired, and Terminated. This field is read-only.
  • Active Flag. This read-only flag indicates whether the partner is an active member in this program.

When any of these fields requires an update, you can type over the existing data to change it.

Use the following procedure to review or change the partner membership information.

To view or change partner membership information (brand owner)

  1. Navigate to Partner Program screen > Membership Administration view.
  2. Select and drill down on the partner program and then click on the Membership tab.

    Program membership data such as membership status and program begin and end dates appears.

  3. To change existing data, click on each field you want to change and type in the new data.
Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide