Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Partner Programs Administration >

Partner Programs Workflows

The following workflows are related to partner programs maintenance.

  • PPR Auto Approval Workflow. This workflow automatically approves or rejects an initial (or renewal) partner program application submitted by a partner user on the PRM Portal. It is initiated when the Approval Method field on the Partner Program screen > More Info tab is set to Approval List or Approve All.
  • PPR Expire Membership. This workflow automatically sets a partner program member's Membership Status to Expired when both the membership Ends Date and the Renewal End Date have passed. This means the partner is no longer an active member of the program. Both fields are on the Partner Program > Membership Administration screen > Membership view.
  • PPR Send Approval Email. This workflow sends a notification email to the partner when the partner's application to a partner program has been approved.
  • PPR Set Partner Program Inactive. This workflow sets the Program Status value to Inactive for a partner program when the Program End Date has passed. These fields are on the Partner Programs screen > Program Design view.

For more information on working with workflows, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide