Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Setting Up Siebel PRM > Configuring Visibility >

Configuring Visibility of Pop-Up or Pick Applets

Pop-up visibility determines what data will be shown when a pop-up pick applet is displayed—for example, when a user associates a contact with an account, or adds a sales representative to the sales team.

Pop-up visibility is usually set using the Popup Visibility Type property of the business component object in Siebel Tools. When pop-up visibility is set in this way, any pop-up window based on that business component will show the same data for all users.

There are often circumstances where you need greater flexibility when determining what data should be shown in pop-up pick applets. For example:

  • Most employees of your company need to see only positions for your organizations when they are assigning a sales representative to the sales team.
  • Partner managers need to see positions for your organization, as well as the partner organizations that they manage.

There are also many scenarios where your partners should have more restrictive visibility than your employees.

To meet this business requirement, Siebel applications have added the following three capabilities that let the developer override the visibility set in the Business Component Popup Visibility Type property at the business component level in favor of another setting. The developer can do the following:

  • Set Visibility of the Pick List Object
  • Use the Visibility Auto All Property
  • Use the Special Frame Class and User Property

Setting Visibility of the Pick List Object

Developers can override the visibility set at the business component level by setting a different visibility type on the Pick List object, in the Visibility Type property.

When you do this, you override the visibility set at the business component in a specific instance of that business component, but for all users of that instance.

For example, you may want partners to be able to add new fund requests and associate those fund requests with campaigns in which they participate. However, you want partners to see only campaigns to which they have access. You can configure a special picklist for this use, setting the visibility on that picklist to Sales Rep, so that partners can select only from accessible campaigns when associating to a fund request.

Using the Visibility Auto All Property

For both Pick List Visibility Type and Business Component Pop-up Visibility Type there is a new property called Visibility Auto All that you can use to override the visibility type property.

This property will check the current user's responsibility to see if it includes the All Across Organizations view based on the same business component. If the view is found, this visibility type is overridden and the user gets All visibility on the object in question. Otherwise, the visibility type is not overridden.

For example, if the pop-up visibility on the Opportunities business component is set to Organization with Auto All set to true, most users will see all opportunities for their own organization in an Opportunity pick applet. Users who also have access to the All Opportunities Across Organizations view will see all available Opportunities regardless of organization.

This property makes visibility consistent across views and pop-up pick applets.

This property can override any other visibility type, including Sales Rep, Manager, Organization, and so on. In addition to the Business Component and Pick List properties, this property can be set on the Link object as well.

This property is often used for executives or administrative users who would usually have access to all of the data in your Siebel application.

Using the Special Frame Class and User Property

The developer can use a special frame class and user property to set visibility for a pick applet on the applet object based on which application is being used.

For example, if users are running Siebel Sales, the Pick Positions applet for the sales team shows positions for the user's organization only. If users are running the Siebel PRM Manager, the applet shows the positions for the user's own organization and for the suborganizations (or child organizations) of that organization, so that the users can select positions for the partners they manage.

In order to override the pop-up visibility set at the business component level, the developer must do the following:

  • Change the frame class of the applet to CSSSWEFrameListVisibilityPick
  • Add an applet user property called Override Visibility, with the following values:
    • Name: Override Visibility: [Application Name]
    • Value: [Visibility Type] where the developer can choose from the standard visibility types

Configuring Visibility of Child Objects in Views

Siebel applications use a number of visibility types to determine what data will be shown on each view.

For example, the My Opportunities view uses Sales Rep visibility; it shows the opportunities for users on the Sales Team. If you have access to that Opportunity, you can also see its child objects—for example, you can see Activities, Contacts, and Quotes that are associated with that Opportunity.

Sometimes it is important to limit the visibility to the child objects. For example, if you are sharing Opportunities with your partners, you might want to show them any Activities, Contacts, and Quotes that they have added for that Opportunity, but not ones that you have added.

To meet this business requirement, Siebel applications have added two capabilities.

You can apply a visibility type to an applet as a property of the View Web Template Item, which is where applets are associated with views. However, you cannot apply the Auto All property to the Web template item. For parent-child views such as Opportunity > Contacts, placing visibility on the Contacts applet on the View Web Template Item object changes the visibility on the Contacts applet when it is used in this view. Using this method, you can apply visibility to the applet in the context of a specific view, but reuse the applet with no or other visibility applied in another view.

Alternatively, you can set visibility on the link object, and it will be applied in addition to the visibility set at the view level. For parent-child views (such as Opportunity/Contacts) you can set a visibility type as a property on the Link object that links the Opportunity and Contact business components for this view. In addition, the you can set the Auto All property on the Link object to override the visibility type set on the Link object. For example, if the visibility on the link is Sales Rep, but Auto All is true, administrative users still see all records in the database. Note that once visibility is applied to the link, it is applied wherever the link is used throughout the application.

Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide