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Performance for Siebel Universal Queuing

Siebel Universal Queuing routes communications work items to agents.

For more information about this module, see Siebel Universal Queuing Administration Guide.

Siebel Universal Queuing supports a standard interface using XML/HTTP messages, and its integration into the rest of Siebel Business Applications also goes through this interface. The most important factor in Siebel Universal Queuing performance is the incoming rate of the work items, such as email messages or voice calls.

An email message, for example, that is assigned by Siebel Universal Queuing goes through the following components in the Siebel architecture:

  • Email server
  • CommInboundRcvr server component (with workflow processes—using real-time processing)
  • CommInboundProcessor server component (with workflow processes—using nonreal-time processing)
  • CommSessionMgr server component
  • Siebel Universal Queuing
  • HTTP transport adapter (including EAI Object Manager)
  • Call Center Object Manager (AOM)

As the volume of work items increases, the following components and parameters need to be tuned to handle the load:

  • EAI Object Manager. As the rate of incoming work items increases, you may need to increase the MaxTasks parameter. This ensures there are enough tasks in the EAI Object Manager to handle inbound XML messages.

    Check the EAI Object Manager log files. If you see error messages relating to running out of tasks, increase the MaxTasks parameter accordingly. Also set MaxMTServers and MinMTServers parameters. For more information, see Tuning Siebel EAI for Performance.

  • Call Center Object Manager. Set the MaxTasks parameter for the AOM, according to the concurrent user load. For details, see Tuning the Siebel Application Object Manager for Performance.
  • Siebel Universal Queuing. Increase the MaxConnections parameter as the number of inbound messages increases.

Siebel Universal Queuing performs better when the Siebel Universal Queuing process has affinity to a particular processor. To do this, select the Siebel Universal Queuing process (QUQConnector.exe process) and assign it to a particular CPU on the server. Adding more CPUs does not necessarily increase Siebel Universal Queuing throughput.

From a deployment perspective, it was found that running Siebel Universal Queuing on a smaller but dedicated server will help increase its throughput.

You may also want to consider running CommInboundRcvr or CommInboundProcessor on separate or dedicated servers, because inbound message processing can be resource intensive. The HTTP adapter also uses the Web server, which typically resides on a different server from the Siebel Server.

For HTTP adapter performance tuning, see Tuning Siebel EAI for Performance.

Performance Tuning Guide