Performance Tuning Guide > Tuning Siebel Remote for Performance > Tuning the Mobile Web Client in a Siebel Remote Deployment >

Best Practice for Synchronization

This section lists some points that may help you optimize data synchronization between your Siebel Mobile Web Client and Siebel Remote Server. Note the following points:

  • Synchronize frequently

    Synchronizing frequently reduces the number of transactions to transmit and commit for each synchronization session. The longer a user waits between synchronization sessions, the more data there is to send.

  • Enable TrickleSync on the Siebel Mobile Web Client

    Each time a Siebel Mobile Web Client connects to your Siebel Enterprise network, TrickleSync performs database synchronization. For more information, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.

  • Use time-based filters to prevent sending data from server to client that is older than a specific date.
  • Disable Docking objects
Performance Tuning Guide