Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing the Siebel Server >

Reviewing the Installation for Siebel Server

The following minimum directories are created for the Typical selection for a Siebel Server installation. These directories, the files and subdirectories they contain, and various other files are created in the siebsrvr subdirectory, under the root directory you specified during the installation; for example, D:\sea78.

actuate. Contains files related to Siebel Reports Server.

admin. The template files used for scripts that control the running and configuration of Siebel Server.

bin. Binary file directory, containing executables, scripts, and language subdirectories related to language-specific server components. Also contains files used by Siebel Technical Support for installation workarounds.

bscripts. Web server-related files.


dbtempl. Contains dictionary and local database files required by Siebel Remote for regional users and Mobile Web Client users.

docking. Contains transaction files, visibility, and other databases required by Siebel Remote.

enterprises. Files specific to a particular enterprise; contains a server subdirectory that contains files specific to a particular server (for example, log files).

FirstLogic. Contains configuration files related to Siebel Data Quality Matching and Data Cleansing.

help. Contains help files.

input. Contains files related to Siebel Remote.

isstempl. Contains templates for Customer Order Management CDA application and engine files for newly created projects. Do not modify any files in the directories isstempl\lang\EngineSourceFiles or isstempl\lang\NewProjectDefault, unless directed to do so by Siebel Systems engineers.

lex. Language-related files.

locale. Contains language-specific files.

log. Contains client and utility log files.

logarchive. Archive of client and utility log files.

msgtempl. Stores language-specific files for mail merge.

nlp. Contains natural-language processing files.

objects. Contains language-specific Siebel Repository files.

NOTE:  Monitoring of any SRF file by virus scanning software may significantly degrade Siebel Server performance. If you have virus scanning software installed on your computers, you should configure it to skip SRF files. Because these files are binary data files, the risk of virus infection is low, and so excluding these files from scanning should be acceptable. Alternatively, you may choose to scan SRF files, but less frequently than other files.

output. Contains files related to Siebel Remote.

reports. Contains the report executable programs used by Siebel Proposals to include reports in proposals.

SDQConnector. Contains the DLLs, configuration files, and other files necessary to connect the Siebel Data Quality Universal Connector to one or more external data quality products. An external data quality product is certified though the Siebel Alliance program.

search. Contains the indexes and scripts used to administer and execute Siebel Search and Siebel Advanced Search.

sqltempl. Contains SQL statements used by Siebel Server components. These files should not be modified.

temp. Stores temporary files for use by the Siebel Server.

upgrade. Contains files and scripts related to version upgrades of Siebel Business Applications. Also holds temporary, backup, and state log files used during an upgrade.

webmaster. Contains files (including CSS files, IMG files, JS files, and others) that are updated to each Web server when the Web server is restarted, or when an administrator uses the SWE command UpdateWebImages to manually refresh the files on the Web server.

For more information, see Updating Web Server Static Files on the SWSE Using the Web Update Protection Key. See also the section about adding a password for updating Web server static files, located in the Security Guide for Siebel Business Applications.

webtempl. Contains Siebel Web templates that support the applets and views required for any type of Web client for the Siebel applications.

xml. Web server-related files.

base.txt. Contains primary (base) language and version information.

language.txt. Contains language and version information, where language is ENU, FRA, or another installed language.

upgrade.log. Contains information logged from upgrading.

Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools