System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel Business Applications > Capturing Siebel Environment Data > Process of Running Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector Under UNIX >

Preparing the UNIX Environment to Use SDDC

Perform the following procedure to prepare the UNIX environment to use the Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector (SDDC). This task is a part of the Process of Running Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector Under UNIX.

To prepare environment to use SDDC

  1. Run a database-specific script to set database environment variables.
  2. Run the or siebenv.csh scripts to set Siebel environment variables. For more information on these scripts, see Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools.
  3. Change the permissions to execute SDDC.
System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel Business Applications