Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS > Tuning the Production Upgrade Scripts >

About Deactivating Jobs That Do Not Process Data

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Development (mainframe-centric) environment and Production environment.

Job Stream Optimization is an optional step in the upgrade process that allows you to optimize the Unload, Load and Index Rebuild processes to ensure ease of job scheduling and to minimize the number of jobs run. Job-Stream Optimization allows you to eliminate Unload, Load and Index Rebuild jobs for empty tables (0 rows).

Unload/Load jobs can only be removed if your database schema uses a single table per table space database schema structure; index rebuild jobs can be removed whether you use one table or multiple tables per table space.

NOTE:  Take a backup of the appropriate data sets before deleting jobs that act on tables with no data.

The Job Stream Optimization Utility is panel driven in Siebel v7.8. Select option 4: OPTIMIZATION - JOB-STREAM OPTIMIZATION (OPTIONAL) from the Siebel Upgrade Main Menu). The Job-Stream Optimization menu appears displaying options that allow you to:

  1. Identify tables with 0 rows
  2. Identify jobs that can be removed
  3. Remove jobs

See Optimizing the Target Job Stream, Part 1 and Optimizing the Target Job Stream, Part 2 for information on using the Job-Stream Optimization menu options.

CAUTION:  You are required to contact Siebel Expert Services for approval before removing jobs for empty tables. If you do not, you may invalidate your support agreement.

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS