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Type Statement

This standard VB statement declares a user-defined type.


Type userType
As type1
As type2
End Type



The name of the user-defined type

field1, field2

The names of fields in the user-defined type

type1, type2

The data types of the respective fields


Not applicable


The user-defined type declared by Type can be used in a Dim statement to declare a record variable. A user defined type is sometimes referred to as a record type or a structure type.

Field cannot be an array. However, arrays of records are allowed.

The Type statement is not valid inside a procedure definition. It must be placed in the (general) (declarations) section, shown in Option Base Statement. User defined Types cannot be passed to COM Object functions or subroutines.

To access the fields of a record, use syntax of the form:


To access the fields of an array of records, use syntax of the form:


No memory is allocated when a type is defined. Memory is allocated when a variable of the user defined type is declared with a Dim statement. Declaring a variable of a user defined type is called instantiating, or declaring an instance of, the type.


This example shows a Type and Dim statement for a record. You must define a record type before you can declare a record variable. The subroutine then references a field within the record.

Type Testrecord
   Custno As Integer
   Custname As String
End Type

Sub Button_Click
   Dim myrecord As Testrecord
   Dim msgText As String
   myrecord.custname = "Chris Smith"
   If myrecord.custname = "" then
      Exit Sub
   End If
End Sub

See Also

Deftype Statement
Dim Statement

Siebel VB Language Reference