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Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler Tool Guide
Release 19.0
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4 Command Line Interface

The Retail Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler (RSE) tool produces design time and run time artifacts, and it works in conjunction with another tool, the Retail Functional Artifact Generator.


See the Retail Functional Artifact Generator Guide.

The RSE is used to generate the following artifacts:

Sevice Provider

The service provider gives the option of selecting the Web Service Type (SOAP or REST) and Provider type (a Java EE or a PL/SQL service provider).

A PL/SQL service provider can be used by PL/SQL applications such as RMS to expose PL/SQL packages as Web services. The Java EE service provider option allows Java EE applications to create Web services using Oracle Retail payload classes as input and outputs.


The following table summarizes arguments for the rse tool:

Option Argument Type Usage
-b,--baseDir /
Required option To take input for base directory. For example:

-b ./

-i ./integration-lib Required option Path to integration lib directory.
-s Conf/ ServiceProviderDefLibrary.xml Required option Service provider definition file
-g,--webServiceType SOAP or REST Required WebServiceType-


-h Help Optional To read command line help.


The following table summarizes valid commands for the rse tool, as well as corresponding output.

Command Output
$./retail-soa-enabler.sh oracle/retail/soa/enabler/service/provider/GenPLSQLServiceProvider.groovy -g soap -i ./integration-lib/ -b ./ -t ./ -s conf/ServiceProviderDefLibrary.xml Generates a service provider zip file for given plsql app. Example- rms_PLSQLServiceProvider.zip
$./retail-soa-enabler.sh oracle/retail/soa/enabler/service/provider/GenPLSQLServiceProvider.groovy -g rest -i ./integration-lib/ -b ./ -t ./ -s conf/RestServiceProviderDefLibrary.xml Generates a service provider zip file for given plsql app. Example- rms_PLSQLServiceProvider.zip
$./retail-soa-enabler.sh oracle/retail/soa/enabler/service/provider/GenJavaEEServiceProvider.groovy -g soap -i ./integration-lib/ -b ./ -t ./ -s conf/ServiceProviderDefLibrary.xml Generates a service provider zip file for given javaee app. Example- sim_JavaEEServiceProvider.zip
$./retail-soa-enabler.sh oracle/retail/soa/enabler/service/provider/GenJavaEEServiceProvider.groovy -g rest -i ./integration-lib/ -b ./ -t ./ -s conf/RestServiceProviderDefLibrary.xml Generates a service provider zip file for given javaee app. Example- sim_JavaEEServiceProvider.zip

The generated Web services do not have any business logic in them. They provide only the framework for the development of Web services.

The inputs for creating Java EE or PL/SQL Web services are as follows:

  • Service Definition Library XML file for SOAP web services

  • Service Definition Library XML file for RESTful web services

  • Custom Business Objects jar file

  • Localization Business Object Jar file

  • Service Implementation jar file

Service Definition Library XML File

The mandatory input for creating a Java EE or a PL/SQL service provider is a Service Definition Library XML file. This file should contain all the details about the Web services that need to be created.

Service Definition Library XML File for Restful Web Services

The mandatory input for creating a Restful Java EE or a PL/SQL service provider is a Rest Service Definition Library XML file. This file should contain all the details about the web services that need to be created.

Custom Business Objects Jar File

While creating Web services, users may want to use their own payloads to extend the existing payloads. These payloads are known as custom payloads and can be provided to the tool as input for creating Web services. The service provider screen has a field for custom Business Objects jar file. It allows the user to upload a jar file which contains the custom payloads. This jar file is optional; if this is not provided the base payloads are used to create the Web services.


See the Oracle Retail Functional Artifact Generator Guide for how to create a custom Business Objects jar file.

Localization Business Object Jar File

While creating Web services, users may want to use localized version of payloads. These payloads are known as localized payloads and can be provided to the tool as an input for creating Web services. The service provider screen has a field for localization Business Object Jar file. It allows the user to upload a jar file which contains the localized payloads. This jar file is optional; if this is not provided, the base payloads are used to create the Web services.


See the Oracle Retail Functional Artifacts Generator Guide for how to create a localization Business Objects jar file.

Service Implementation Jar File

This jar file is used only while creating Java EE Web services. While creating Java EE Web services the tool generates empty implementation for the services. Users will have to create their own implementation classes for the Web services and use those classes in the generation of the .ear file in the zip file.

After entering the file names in all the text boxes, click Generate Stub.

On successful generation of the stub, the output zip file
(<app>_JavaEEServiceProvider.zip or <app>_PLSQLServiceProvider.zip) will be available as download from the browser. The zip folder contains .ear file which can be deployed on Application Server.

Service Consumer

The Service Consumer allows for the creation of a Java EE or PL/SQL service consumer. Service consumer option for restful web services is not supported currently.


The following table summarizes arguments for the rse tool:

Option Argument Type Usage
-b,--baseDir /
Required option To take input for base directory. For example:

-b ./

-i,--integrationLibDir ./integration-lib Required option Path to integration lib directory
-w,--wsdlFile CustomerOrderAddressService.wsdl Required option Wsdl file
-h Help Optional To read command line help.


The following table summarizes valid commands for the rse tool, as well as corresponding output.

Command Output
$./retail-soa-enabler.sh oracle/retail/soa/enabler/service/consumer/GenPLSQLServiceConsumer.groovy -w <ServiceWsdlFile>.wsdl -i ./integration-lib -b ./ Generates a service consumer zip file for given service. Example-


$ ./retail-soa-enabler.sh oracle/retail/soa/enabler/service/consumer/GenJavaServiceConsumer.groovy -w <ServiceWsdlFile>.wsdl -i ./integration-lib -b ./ Generates a service consumer zip file for given service. Example- fin-GlAccountValidationPortType_JavaServiceConsumer.zip
$./retail-soa-enabler.sh oracle/retail/soa/enabler/service/consumer/GenPlsqlWithJaxWsServiceConsumer.groovy -w <ServiceWsdlFile>.wsdl -i ./integration-lib -b ./ -s conf/<ServiceProviderDefLibrary>.xml Generates a service consumer zip file for given service using WS callout utility. Example- fin-DrillBackForwardUrlPortType_PlsqlWithJaxWsServiceConsumer.zip