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Oracle® Retail Dynamic Data Service Guide
Release 19.0.000
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2 Installation Prerequisites

This chapter describes the procedure to install the Weblogic 12c runtime and deploy the tool's EAR file. For more information about domain creation and other server related information, see the WebLogic application server documents.

Installation and Setup Instructions

This section describes the installation and setup instructions including the installation pre-requisites, preparing the WebLogic server, creating a WebLogic domain, verifying installation of JRF runtime libraries and deploying the EAR file. It also describes guidelines to set up security.


The windows included in the following procedures are for example purposes only. Because these procedures must be followed for each application, valid values vary. Therefore, consider the illustrations as guides only; the values shown may not always apply.


DDS Web Application requires Oracle WebLogic Server 12c (, built with Java 8 (JDK 1.8 64 bit with the latest security updates).

Installing WebLogic

To get the JRF runtime option while creating the domain, install the Application Development Runtime. To obtain Application Development Runtime, go to the Oracle Technology Network and take the following steps:

  1. Find fmw_12. and download this file to your system.

  2. Extract the contents of this zip file to your system. You will use the fmw_12. file to run the installer.

  3. Run the installer by executing the jar file:

    java -jar fmw_12.

    The Welcome window displays.

    welcome window
  4. Click Next. The Auto Updates window displays. Select the appropriate option.

    Auto Updates window
  5. Click Next. The Installation Location window displays. Click Browse to select the Oracle Home location where the WebLogic Server is to be installed.

    Installation Location window
  6. Click Next. The Installation Type window displays. Select the type of installation.

    Installation Type window
  7. Click Next. The installer performs the pre-requisite checks and ensures all required conditions are satisfied.

    pre-requisite checks
  8. When the pre-requisite check completes successfully, click Next. The Security Updates window will display. Enter the information as required.

    Security Updates window
  9. Click Next. The Installation Summary window displays.

    Installation Summary window
  10. Click Install. The Installation Progress window displays.

    Installation Progress window
  11. Click Next when the installation completes. The Installation Complete window displays.

    Installation Complete window

Creating the Required Schema Using Repository Creation Utility

To create a schema user for the dynamic_data_service domain, take the following steps:

  1. Run the RCU from the <MW_HOME>/oracle_common/bin folder. The Welcome window displays.

    Welcome window
  2. Click Next and select the Create Repository option.

    select the Create Repository option
  3. Click Next. Enter the database credentials where the schema user has to be created.

    Enter the database credentials
  4. Click Next. Specify the prefix to be used for the schema user creation. For example, INT. Select Metadata Services, WebLogic Services, and Oracle Platform Security Services.

    Specify the prefix
  5. Click Next. Specify the password.

    Specify the password
  6. Click Next. This window provides the details for tablespaces created as part of schema creation.

    details of tablespaces
  7. Click Next. The Confirmation window displays.

    Confirmation window
  8. Click OK. The Summary window displays.

    Summary window
  9. Click Create to create the schema. This could take a while to complete. When complete the Summary window displays.

    Summary window

Creating a WebLogic Domain with JRF

To create a new WebLogic domain with ADF runtime libraries, take the following steps:

  1. Run the config.sh from the <ORACLE_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin folder. The Configuration Type window displays.

    Configuration Type window
  2. Select Create a new domain, and provide a domain location, then click Next. The Templates window displays. By default, the Basic WebLogic Server Domain - [wlserver] check box is selected.

    Select the Oracle JRF - [oracle_common], Oracle Enterprise Manager - [em], Oracle WSM Policy Manager - [oracle_common], and WebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension -[wlserver] check boxes.

    Create a new domain
  3. Click Next. The Administrator Account window displays. Enter the user credentials that will be used to log into the WebLogic Administration Console.

    Administrator Account window
  4. Click Next. The Domain Mode and JDK window displays. Set the Domain Mode as Production and select the JDK version (JDK 1.8 with the latest security updates is recommended) you want to use.

    Domain Mode and JDK window
  5. Click Next. The Database Configuration Type window displays.

    1. Select the RCU Data radio button.

    2. Select Oracle as the Vendor.

    3. Select Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Service connections; Version 9.0.1 and later.

    4. Enter the Service, Host Name, Port, Schema Owner, and Schema Password for the *_STB schema created using the RCU.

    5. Click Get RCU Configuration.

    The Connection Result Log displays the connection status.

    Connection Result Log
  6. Click Next. The JDBC Component Schema window displays.

    JDBC Component Schema window
  7. Click Next. The JDBC Component Schema Test window displays a status indicating the JDBC tests on the schemas were successful.

    JDBC Component Schema Test window
  8. Click Next. The Advanced Configuration window displays. Select all the checkboxes, except Domain Frontend Host Capture and JMS File Store options, in this window.

    Advanced Configuration window
  9. Click Next. The Administration Server window displays. Enter the Listen Address and the Listen Port details.

    Administration Server window
  10. Click Next. The Node Manager window displays. Select the Node Manager Type and enter the Node Manager Credentials.

    Node Manager window
  11. Click Next. The Managed Servers window displays.

    1. Click Add to add a managed server to deploy the DDS Web Application.

    2. Enter the Server Name, Listen Address, and Listen Port for the managed server.

    3. Set the Server Groups to JRF_MAN_SRV.

    Managed Servers window
  12. Click Next. The Clusters window displays.

    1. Click Add to add a cluster. This is an optional step in the procedure.

    Clusters window
  13. Click Next. The Coherence Clusters window displays.

    1. Add a coherence cluster. This is an optional step in the procedure.

    Coherence Clusters window
  14. Click Next. The Machines window displays.

    1. Click Add.

    2. Enter the Name and the Node Manager Listen Address for the managed server.

    Machines window
  15. Click Next. The Assign Servers to Machines window displays. Add the AdminServer and the Managed Server to the machine.

    Assign Servers to Machines window
  16. Click Next. The Deployments Targeting window displays. Select wsm-pm from the Deployments section on the left and add it to the AdminServer in the Deployment Targets section on the right.

    Deployments Targeting window
  17. Click Next. The Services Targeting window displays. Target JDBC services to the Admin and Managed server.

    Services Targeting window
  18. Click Next. The Configuration Summary window displays. Verify that all information displayed in this window is accurate.

    Configuration Summary window
  19. Click Create. The Configuration Progress window will display a message when the domain is created successfully.

    Configuration Progress window
  20. Click Next. The Configuration Success window displays that describes the Domain Location and Admin Server URL once the configuration is complete.

    Configuration Success window
  21. Click Finish to complete creating the WebLogic domain and managed servers with ADF runtime.

  22. Add the following security policy to $ORACLE_ HOME/wlserver/server/lib/weblogic.policy file.

    grant codeBase "file:/<DOMAIN_HOME>/-" {
    permission java.security.AllPermission;
    permission oracle.security.jps.service.credstore.CredentialAccessPermission
    "credstoressp.credstore", "read,write,update,delete";
    permission oracle.security.jps.service.credstore.CredentialAccessPermission
    "credstoressp.credstore.*", "read,write,update,delete";
  23. Start the WebLogic Admin and Managed Server.