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Oracle® Retail Integration Cloud Service Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service Integration Gateway Services Guide
Release 19.0.000
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2 Install Integration Gateway Services

This chapter discusses steps to install IGS under RIB_HOME (rib-home/tools-home/integration-bus-gateway-services).

Run the IGS under RIB_HOME

Take the following steps to run IGS under RIB_HOME:

  1. Download the IntegrationGatewayService<version>ForAll<version>Apps_eng_ga.tar and untar it under rib-home/tools-home.

    cd rib-home/tools-home/
    tar -xvf IntegrationGatewayService<version>ForAll<version>Apps_eng_ga.tar
  2. Go to rib-home/tools-home/integration-bus-gateway-services/conf and edit the IgsConfig.properties as follows:

    1. Change the value of WlsUrl to point to the WebLogic server where IGS is going to be deployed. The port in the WlsUrl should be the AdminServer port.

    2. Change the value of WlsTarget to the managed server name where IGS is going to be deployed (for example, igs-service_server).

  3. Go to rib-home/tools-home/integration-bus-gateway-services/bin. Run the igs-install.sh.

  4. Restart the WebLogic managed server.

  5. After installation, restrict access to the integration-bus-gateway-services directory with this command:

    chmod -R 700 .

All of the items in Step 3 also can be performed separately, as follows.

  1. Go to rib-home/tools-home/integration-bus-gateway-services/bin. Run the igs-admin.sh -setup-igs to set up the environment. Running this script verifies whether the attempted IGS installation is from within the rib-home or in standalone mode; the pre-configuration cleanup is based on this mode.

    sh igs-admin.sh -setup-igs
  2. Go to rib-home/tools-home/integration-bus-gateway-services/bin. Run the igs-admin.sh -setup-security-credential to set up the WebLogic username and password information in a secure credential store.

    sh igs-admin.sh -setup-security-credential
  3. Go to IGS_HOME/integration-bus-gateway-services/bin. Run the igs-admin.sh -prepare to prepare the igs-service-<version>.ear, based on the number of channels and configured AQ JMS.

    sh igs-admin.sh -prepare
  4. Go to rib-home/tools-home/integration-bus-gateway-services/bin. Run the igs- admin.sh -configure to configure the WebLogic server with the AQ JMS server information listed in the rib-deployment-env-info.xml.

    sh igs-admin.sh -configure
  5. Go to rib-home/tools-home/integration-bus-gateway-services/bin. Run the igs- admin.sh -deploy to deploy the igs-service-<version>.ear to the WebLogic server.

    sh igs-admin.sh -deploy
  6. Restart the WebLogic managed server.

  7. Restrict access to the IGS folder with a command like:

    cd $RIB-HOME/tools-home/integration-bus-gateway-services

    chmod -R 700 .
  8. If the igs-service-<version>.ear must be undeployed, run the rib-home/tools-home/integration-bus-gateway-services/bin/igs-admin.sh -undeploy to undeploy an igs-service-<version>.ear.

    sh igs-admin.sh -undeploy


The log files are located here: RIB-HOME/tools-home/


If any changes are made to the rib-deployment-env-info.xml or the rib-<app>-adapters.xml, the -prepare, -configure, and -deploy steps, must be executed.

Verify the IGS Application Installation Using the Administration Console

Take the following steps to verify the IGS installations using the Oracle WebLogic Administration Console:


The Test Client link is visible when the server is in Development mode.

  1. Navigate to the Deployments page.

  2. On the Summary of Deployments page, locate the igs-service.

  3. To expand the tree, click the + beside the igs-service.

  4. Locate the Web Services section.

  5. Click any Web service (for example, ASNInPublishingService) to navigate to the settings for ASNInPublishingService page.

  6. Select the Testing tab.

  7. To expand the tree, click the + beside the service name.

  8. Locate the Test Client link. Navigate to the WebLogic Test Client page.

  9. Select the Ping operation. Enter test data in the string arg0: text box. Click Ping.

  10. The test page includes the request message and the response message.